Friday, December 14, 2012
when personal turns into public
'married couple posting inappropriate things on fb..' you live in the same house same room why fb lagi plus what's with all the pics..?!!
this 2 scenarios.. geeez people, FACEBOOK is not your diary for god's sake. stop posting your personal life on fb.. seriously it's getting crazier nowadays
i love to befriend with all of you but maybe somehow along the way you forgot that fb is a social networking not your personal-life-networking duuuh
worse things ever.. post a picture of the breast milks in the container. are you ouuutta your mind..!!
i do understand you want to share your joys with your loved/closed ones but think.. think.. and THINK again if it's appropriate enough to go public. you can always use privacy setting at each post tho.. i would highly appreciate if you use that button heh
and don't even get me started with the one who post his/her baby pics every single hour..!! oh god why
please let this be the reminder for all of us
Thursday, November 1, 2012
tiramisu (ladyfingers)
3 biji telur (nak yg puteh je)
3/4 cawan gula
1 bungkus biskut Ladyfingers
200g schlagsahne (oh dalam malay pebenda eh) --> okay dah tau whipped cream
500g mascarpone cheese
Sedikit serbuk koko
Sediakan nescafe + air panas yang pekat untuk tujuan soaking dan juga untuk dimasukkan ke dalam kek
1. Pukul puteh telur dengan gula sehingga sebati.
2. Dalam bekas berasingan pukul whipped cream sehingga dia naik dan bertukar menjadi macam likat - den pun xtau cmne nak describe
3. Kemudian masukkan mascarpone cheese ke dalam bekas whipped cream. Mix hingga sebati (guna manual/tangan je yang ni yea sebab whipped tu dah cukup kena pukul dah)
4. Masukkan puteh telur/gula ke dalam acuan tadi.
5. Mix lagi perlahan2 sambil memasukkan nescafe pekat tadi sedikit demi sedikit sehingga cukup rasa kopi dalam tiramisu tersebut.
6. Okaaaaay dah siap so now masa untuk susun2 beskut dalam bekas. Mulakan layer bawah dengan acuan tiramisu kemudian susun2 lah beskut ladyfingers itu di atas dengan kreatifnya.
*sebelum menyapukan layer cream yang baru.. soak kan biskut itu dengan nescafe pekat tadi (tujuan untuk lembutkan beskut tersebut). Cara soaking dia - ambil nescafe dengan sudu dan ratakan di bahagian atas beskut tersebut.
7. Ulangi dengan layer cream/beskut/cream dan seterusnya.
8. Make sure layer atas adalah cream yea dan biarkan semalam dalam peti sejuk.
9. Last but not least letak serbuk koko di atas nya macam gmba saya ni hehs
Porbably susah nak bayang step yang soak beskut dengan nescafe tu kot.. nanti next time saya buat.. saya amik gmba eh ^^
Thursday, October 18, 2012
my type of guy
confession of an ex-lover
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
proud to be Malaysian
Merdeka..! Merdeka..! Merdeka..!
sekadar copy paste dari twitter saya.. hee *buka lazy song jap*
wah tadi jam 12 malam tengah melepak minum di kedai mamak sahaja. adakah saya kurang patriotik..? tapi ada seorang mamat poyo tiba-tiba berdiri sambil angkat tangan style Tunku Abdul Rahman loool layan kan je la labu
hairan yea kenapa tahun ni tidak ada siaran langsung count down dekat tv. tertunggu-tunggu juga pembaziran beratus ribu ringgit untuk upacara membakar duit aka fireworks. nan adooo ke salah buka channel tv. tsssk tadi mamak tu buka tv3 dah kot
what ever.. apa pun alhamdulillah kita sudah mencapai kemerdekaan selama 55 tahun. penat jerih.. pengorbanan harta, nyawa dan sebagainya oleh rakyat Tanah Melayu akhirnya membuahkan hasil. kita merdeka jua tanggal 31 Ogos 1957.
to be honest i really dont know to express my patriotism.. but i do love my country. we should be proud because we live peacefully 'under one roof' even though we are a multiraces country. it's not an easy job to maintain what we have had now.
think about it.. and be thankful because you were born as a Malaysian. ever heard of the phrase - hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri.
peace yow.. Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke - 55
Friday, August 24, 2012
expendables 2 : super aweeeesome
just got back from watching expendables 2 btw.. giler awesome. i love how all the heroes coming back and unite in one good movie.. full of action of course..!!
paling lawak i think chuck norris and arnold's line looools super crazy.. =D
tips: tengok la dulu expendables 2010 baru la u enjoy more the movie.. tapi kalau nak tengok terus num 2 pun tak pe hee
Thursday, August 16, 2012
berubah hati
for a women it's going to take a long time to fully recover (heal from the pain) but for a men..? geeez so damn fast
or it is because they meet someone and fall im love easily..? have no idea tho but still i'm mad with this kind of thing. pity my friend ='(
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
it touched my heart
Saturday, July 21, 2012
salam Ramadan
dan alhamdulillah seperti mana tahun2 dahulu.. ada tempat berkumpul dan berbuka bersama dengan Malaysian yang lain. i'm so thankful for that.. otherwise senseko would be a disaster for me (i guess). dan dapat juga melepas kerinduan untuk solat Terawih berjemaah.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
i'm coming home..!!
only one thing.. need to get all my important stuff from someone. aaa please respond to asap
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
the truth
Sunday, June 24, 2012
ketentuan Allah
why.. this is happening to us. i know i shouldn't question it sebab semua tu ketentuan Allah bukan.
you forget about one thing.. semua yang berlaku ada hikmah di sebaliknya - fine i'll treasure the hikmah.. tapi bila semua ni akan berakhir. ya Allah please stop this.. you are killing us inside ='(
fine i'll go to edinburg i guess.. i need a time for myself
Sunday, June 17, 2012
sometimes.. i wish
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
7 Petala Cinta : review
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Roman Lob - Standing Still
Guess we knew this was coming on
‘Cause you’re already gone in my head
You can tell me that I’m wrong
That you’re staying with me instead
The wind has come along and summer’s dead and gone
Is there anything left here to say?
I can put my arms around the emptiness I found
Find a way to make you stay
But I’m standing still, I’m standing still
As you leave me now
I’m standing still, I’m standing still
As you’re walking out
I’m just standing still
Never thought I’d be so strong
But pieces of me break so easy
What I thought would be the end
Is just the feeling that you freed me
Girl this ain’t giving up, it’s knowing where to stop
Knowing every thing is over
I know my love is blind, I see for the first time
Things ain’t gonna bring us closer
But I’m standing still, I’m standing still
As you leave me now, yeah
I’m standing still, I’m standing still
As you’re walking out
I’m standing still…
I’m just standing still as you leave me now
I’m just standing still
The wind has come along, time is dead and gone
Is there anything left here to say?
I can put my arms around the emptiness I found
Find a way to make you stay
I’m standing still, I’m standing still
As you leave me now, yeah
I’m standing still, I’m standing still
As you’re walking out
I’m just standing still
Monday, May 28, 2012
Nidji - Sang Mantan
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
first JERSEY
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
too perfect
my current so called 'crush' is a drama series HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER which premiered back in 2005 (woow.. it was like 7 years ago..? what was i doing that time sigh)
it was quite similar with F.R.I.E.N.D.S - my all time favourite drama series.. bunch of good friends.. sitting in a cafe / restaurant talking about their life and relationships.
sometimes you wanna have something like that.. i mean a close friends to sit and talk and meet everyday but it's just impossible right..?!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
i miss my life
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
killed by memories
how do people survived by the way.. from the memories of the loved one. i mean they once become your loved one =/
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
life.. as it is
cuba lihat gambar di bawah.. ia merupakan abstract : life as it is
okay.. kalau anda rajin nak menghurai satu persatu element dalam gambar ni di persilakan. sebab saya sebenarnya ada cerita lain untuk di ceritakan.. hua2
:: short story ::
so today i went to an italiano restaurant called VAPIANO with my dearie coursemates (yao, rumana and sheena) so on our way home.. we talked about yao's roommate. well actually i knew her.. i met her twice, thrice i think. we even played bowling together.. and she seems okay (err to me)
akan tetapi.. kita tidak boleh menilai orang dari luaran sahaja. rupa-rupanya dia mengalami masalah kemurungan yang melampau dan sangat tertekan dengan kehidupan di munich. akhirnya dia tewas dengan segala permainan minda dan jiwa dirinya sendiri. walaupun dia mendapat keputusan peperiksaan yang sangat baik tetapi dia sering gusar memikirkan dia tidak mampu untuk menamatkan pengajiannya.. dan muktamad - dia akan pulang hujung minggu ini ke china.. pulang buat selama-lamanya tanpa menamatkan pengajiannya. pelik bukan..? huuu
and that makes me think.. betapa bertuahnya kita. di kurniakan kekuatan dan ketabahan hati untuk meneruskan kehidupan ini.. walau apa jua duri dan ranjau yang ditempuhi. undeniable.. living abroad is not easy and alhamdulillah up to this point i've done it twice (ouh have to finish my master first tho.. =/)
tips from me :: on how to survive living abroad
1- find a good environment - friends / coursemates / neighbours
2- makes your self at home - at least try to do the same routine as before i.e your life before leaving your country
3- enjoy your stay at the country and most importantly enjoy your study..!!
4- last but not least.. the NUMBER ONE TIPS is support from your family and also from yourself. just don't go crazy yaa.. =)
okay.. ciaoo
Friday, April 20, 2012
remember you - dedicated to u =)
just nak promote lagu ni.. sebab i've been listening to it non stop for the past one hour. it's from her english album.. selama ni asyik dengar lagu falling in love je tapi rasa lagu ni laaaaagi best kot and i love the lyrics so damn much.. ^^
If we never make it back
To what we used to be
I hope you know I tried to give you all of me
I dont wanna wake up tomorrow
If our memories filled with sorrow
I`d rather smile when I remember you
If you find someone
That can love you right
I wont stand in your way
I wont even fight,
No, I wont forget
Ill always remember you
Like the sun will rise
As the seasons change
I will walk trought life
Til the very end,
No, I wont regret
Ill always remember you
p/s: =)
Sunday, April 1, 2012
not that lucky
and last month ada application for the ticket. some kind like lottery la sebab dia pakai sistem maen hentam sahaja untuk cabut undi siapa yang berjaya dapat ticket tu
sadly.. i didn't get one soobs rupanya semua budak2 laki kat sini pun hantar jugak. sume xdapat kot adeih tensen. sekali ada satu pasangan kahwin ni.. dia cakap dia dapaaaat..!! orang melayu la haih giler lucky kan (depa ni pernah di ceritakan dalam entry lepas yang tolong tumpangkan orang nak tido tu)
well i think if i am lucky pun memang xdapat kot coz i gave my malaysian credit card number and maybe the balance money not sufficient untuk deduct duet ticket lol
coz the rule is stated clearly that if they cannot deduct the money automatic unsuccessful hehs so sedapkan hati macam tu laaah.
fine i'll try again next year.. never give up ouh.
Friday, March 30, 2012
tak pernah bosan
nak tahu.. dia ni kategori minah hot gak la. time masuk matrik tu.. dalam kami berempat satu bilik tu.. dia sorang je yang dah ada boyfriend. wahkahkah yang lain naive je tahap gaban. time tu boyfriend dia nama nuri ape ntah. bila pertama kali dengar nama boyfriend dia tu kami duk pakat gelak la.. and i'm the one who's being over the line sampai panggil dia dengan nama nuri...!! sampai laaa sekarang.. lol maaf nuri, ak xleh nak buang lah. anggap je la ak panggil hang ala2 burung nuri macam tu eh =D
so alkisahnya.. dalam masa setahun kami berkawan tu, dia pun break up dengan nuri sebab duk minat dengan seorang mamat ni yang dia kata ada rupa macam justin timberlake..!! wah kami pun duk ligat la.. geram nak berjumpa secara live boyfriend baru dia yang ala2 justin ni (dah nama asal mamat tu pun xingat.. sebab nickname duk lekat justin sampai la ni huu)
sumpah... sampai sekarang kami tak nampak kat mana JUSTIN-nya muka mamat berkenaan.. haha puteh memang la puteh.. kacak la jugak. ouh is he my type of guy.. hurm xdek la plak ada perasaan minat hehe yelaaaa boyfriend besfren koot. nak mampuss..!! okay the twist is at the end mamat justin ni kahwin dengan besfren si nuri ni.. giler tak. so den tak kebas boyfriend orang eh.. besfren dia yang lain plak duk make a move lol
and there is one time (last year kot).. i asked nuri ni - eh why eh ang break-up dengan justin tu dulu.. for me mamat tu cam ada rupa la banding dengan current boyfriend dia yang kategori sedap mata memandang je
and one thing she said.. dia tak pernah bosan dengan boyfriend dia tu aka husband dia sekarang ni (alhamdulillah) so makna kata si justin tu bosan la kaaan.. haha
well so that is what we called jodoh la kan. jangan nak memilih rupa je.. sedangkan pada hakikatnya anda memang tak boleh blah dengan perangai and kebosanan beliau. daah pegi cari yang lain hehe
p/s: yeap.. i knew that feeling. you never felt bored when you are with them =') tapi sayang bukan jodoh kan
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
i'm damn good in....
oh god why..? i am truly sorry to those who used to be 'thin' and after knowing me he/she had gained weight so drastically.
sheeesh i love to eat and buy things (food esp) sebab mama kata kalau spent duet dekat makanan tak pe. jangan berkira2 huu so for the past 6 months i've been spending more money on food kot. rathen than clothes etc. think maybe around 3000 euro on food only T___T
kesannya.. i'm worried about cik adik sorang ni. coz i macam membawa influence gemok kepada beliau yang sedang on diet. hue3... den pn maintain je berat macam ni. xkurus2.. haish yela sebab duk dengan diorang family ni. cube kalau i live alone. confirm kurus... =D
just now i bought subway veggie patty yang panjang tuh plus cookies sbb de sale beli 12 ketul dalam 5 euro baru. and cik adik tu pun duk la xtahan godaan cookies subway. lol and suddenly tomorrow she asked me to go cycling with her coz she's very concern about her weight gegege... okaaay siap suh sorok lagi the cookies ahaha den plak yang peluh2.. fufuuu
but we do have our sports routine.. like every saturday main badminton 2 hours then every tuesday swimming and now since dah masuk spring.. we are going to play ping pong everyday dekat rumah. just now i need to find another sport to fill in the gap between tuesday and saturday.. i have tennis racket but dont have partner to play with. xdek geng la sini sooobs kalau dekat mesia confirm boleh ajak fae maen kat ukm >____<
fufuuuh semoga before balik malaysia bulan 8 ni.. i can lose weight dalam 5-10kg..!! ngeh2 angan2 mat jenin ceit
Monday, March 26, 2012
wedding song [2] :: kaulah segalanya
Kau merubah segala
Cinta yang ku dahaga
Kehadiran dirimu
Menyinari mekar semula hatiku
Kau lukis hidupku
kau hias hatiku
Kau sambut cintaku tulus ikhlas
Suci hatimu kasih
Kaulah segalanya
Yang menyinari hidupku kasih
Hanya satunya
Yang kucintai
Sambut lah cintaku
Jangan kau pergi dari sisiku
Cintaku padamu
Ikhlas sejati
Hulur tanganmu kasih
Sambut cintaku
Jangan tinggalkan aku seorang diri
Tak sanggup lagi dilukai
Maafkan aku jika salahku
Peristiwa yang pernah ku alami dulu
Aku tahu betapa pahitmu
Menerima sejarah hidupku
Kaulah segalanya
Yang menyinari hidupku kasih
Hanya satunya
Yang kucintai
Sambutlah cintaku
Jangan kau pergi dari sisiku
Cintaku padamu
Ikhlas sejati
Cintaku padamu
Ikhlas sejati
Sunday, March 25, 2012
pLease la... berADAB sikit f***er
i would say today is the emo-ish day since i arrived here last october in germany. even my friend had to cool me down... lol (yes i jarang marah and emo kot.. kena marah selalu ade lah -__-')
so you are about to read an emo story from an emo me and i might get you emo too.. =D eh emo tu emotional daaa.. faham..?!
alright.. you know living abroad ni. kadang2 kita rasa semua malaysia tu bersaudara.. ye lah sape lagi ada dekat bumi abroad tu kalau bukan saudara sesama bangsa and agama ye dak? jadi nya adalah sesetengah makhluk allah ni jenis yang kalau nak berjalan ke sana ke sini dia akan cari contact dekat kawasan berkenaan.
contoh la : mungkin kalau anda nak berjalan ke paris maka cuba2 lah cari kenalan atau kawan kepada kenalan atau sesiapa sahaja lah.. asalkan Malaysian. yelah untuk menumpang bermalam sehari, dua atau tiga empat hari kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan..!!
the thing is.. boleh. why not.. sebab kami ni pun ada rumah yang ala2 hotel gitu.. ada bilik free 2,3 jadi sudilah kiranya anda2 semua datang menumpang ye tak? even i dont really know who you are.. setakat kawan atas kawan pastu ada hati nak tentukan life kita supaya masuk dengan jadual perjalanan mereka.. yeah WHY NOT..!! boleh la sangat kot datang reramai lepas tu promote pula dekat kawan2 kaaaaaaaan...!! *baca dalam nada sarcasm please*
gile tak ada adab punya orang.. apa ingat korang belajar oversea then you have the right to be damn rude.. giler vavi betul lah. agak2 la sikit.. datang nak tumpang rumah orang.. then nak paksa2 tuan rumah pulak.. memang bongok tau.
well actually this didn't really happen to me.. but to our friends. kisahnya macam ni la..
si B (boy) dan si G (girl) mereka ni couple kooot. so nak datang jalan2 area sini.. boleh pulak ada sorang ni si M (malaun) yang jenis jadi yellow pages dekat jerman ni. pegi promote rumah orang tu orang ni dekat orang lain. eh M (malaun) u bajet cool ke.. ? tak faham den. kot yea pun nak jadi baik.. i mean helping others with accomodation, agak2 la. boleh fikir tak privacy rumah2 orang yang dia duk promote tu. giler ape.. duk diam2 sudah lah.
at the end abes semua orang dekat area sini si B and si M tu pegi contact thru FB and tanya boleh tumpang duduk rumah tak..? OH MY GOSH.. please la kot yea pun nak saving bab accomodation, beragak la sikit. kiterang kalau travel xpenah2 nak tumpang rumah orang kot.. tebai muka laaaa and furthermore you have scholar la dowh... duet banyak nak mampus tapi berkira yang amat bab tempat tinggal. eh kalau TAK MAMPU TAK PAYAH TRAVEL la.. even i bila buat budget travel.. always and always cari tempat tinggal sendiri. *unless memang di pelawa kan.. and kalau dah di pelawa tu maknanya tahap kawan dah la. ni memang tak kenal hujung pangkal tiba2 nak datang tumpang. buat nya korang tu penyangak ke who knows right.. zzz
okay at the end.. si B and si G ni pun berjaya la mendapatkan tempat tinggal percuma dengan kawan2 kami (yang sangat la baik). si G ni duk dengan my friend ni lah.. dia dah berkeluarga and de anak sorang so dia senang kalau amik si G je and si B di seperatekan duduk rumah guys bujang. mula2 mereka ni okay saja la dengan plan tersebut.. sekaliiiiiiii haaa
the boiling point is when tadi kawan ni duk cerita.. si B ni duk try pujuk dia untuk duduk sekali dengan gerlfren dia si G tu.. means nak tumpang gak rumah my friend la dedua ketui tuh. dengan alasan nanti dia nk kene hantar awek dia g rumah my friend ni and then kene pegi travel dalam 30 minit pula ke rumah dak2 laki bujang tu.. eh helloooo it's not our problem la. ko nak travel pepandai la survive.. kate nak save duet sangat. and si B ni sangat tak puas hati kenapa my friend ni xboleh tumpangkan dia and si G sekali.. siap compare lagi before ni okay je duk tumpang2 rumah family orang lain.
rasa nak betukar jadi super saiya je and give si B a lesson aka belasah sampai amnesia ke. eh come on.. suka hati laaa. nak samakan my friend dengan orang lain plak. dah dia memang macam tu.. and her husband pun memang xkan bagi laki lain duduk sekali.. nak tumpang sampai weekdays lak tu. dah kalau husband dia pegi kerja, tinggal my friend dengan baby girl dia dekat rumah. korang tu sape plak.. tak kenal pun. haih me myself wont take the risk la
itu kata.. kekadang diorang ni amik things for granted and amik mudah mende2 macam ni. hidup terlampau barat kot eh..? wallahualam
i had enough.. banyak dah ni menahan amarah. i really can't stand this type of people.. and ada lagi la point2 lain yang xlarat nak di tulis. siap perli2 my friend lagi and the fact that dia siap boleh suruh my friend ni balik rumah awal sebab diorang dah penat travel and nak simpan beg etc.. wtFcuk is that..?! dah la xkenal langsung.. sebok nak arrange hidup orang. itu kate TAK ADA ADAB..!! bodoh.
and this post is not only for them la.. tapi general speaking. memang banyak dah nampak post2 yang duk cari tempat bermalam bila travel etc. we have this malaysian FB group and very obvious orang duk tanya2 dalam group tu. come on la common sense kot.. you had enough money to spend on your own.. go and book a room rather than simply asking and begging and FORCING others to accept you.
please bear in mind the fact that you are a STRANGER..!!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
the vOW - movie review

watched the trailer and today.. at 3 am i decided to watch the movie online.. heh no need to go to cinema lah. and guess what happen...!!
merah mata + selsema kejap akibat nangis tengok cite ni.. soooobs and i just knew it was based on true story. gosh.. giler lah. i wanna rate the movie 5/5 =DD
sedikit sinopsis:
pasal satu pasangan ni (leo and paige) owh no wonder macam penah tengok the guy.. dia berlakon cerita she's the man.. kikiki alright back to the story. so there is one day diorang accident and the wife lost her 5 years of memories.. termasuk la si leo ni. apa yang dia ingat is dia bertunang dengan jeremy and live with her parents. jeng jeng jeng.. adalah kisah di sebaliknya pasal family dia.. and yang paling best is how she follow the exact path to her long lost life tu (i.e just before she lost her memory la)
movie quotes:
"I vow to love you and no matter what challenges might carry us apart, we will always find a way back to each other."
"Life’s all about moments of impact and how they change our lives forever. But what if one day, you could no longer remember any of them?"
"Paige: I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands. To speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they’re not, and to live within the warmth of your heart — and always call it home.
Leo: I vow to seriously love you, in all your forms, now and forever. I promise to never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love."
seriously.. worth to watch. and please prepare tissue la.. as for me lucky i just had my shower and my towel is still with me.. so lap guna towel je la.. zzz
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
one of our wedding song.. lol
bila baca lirik dia memang macam sangat... hurm kena lah. so pasang je la time wedding korang nanti eh =D 'i think im gonna make a list of songs i wanna play on the w-day' tiba-tibaaaa
Pasha Ungu Ft. Adel - Penghujung Cintaku
berakhir sudah pencarian cintaku
jiwa ini tak lagi sepi, hati ini tlah ada yang miliki
tiba diriku di penghujung mencari cinta
diri ini tak lagi sepi, kini aku tak sendiri
aku akan menikahimu, aku akan menjagamu
ku kan selalu di sisimu seumur hidupmu
aku akan menyayangimu, ku kan setia kepadamu
ku kan selalu di sisimu seumur hidupmu
tiba diriku di penghujung mencari cinta
hati ini tak lagi sepi, kini aku tak sendiri
aku akan menyayangimu, ku kan setia kepadamu (kepadamu)
ku kan selalu di sisimu seumur hidupmu
wooo aku akan menikahimu, oh aku akan menjagamu
ku kan selalu di sisimu seumur hidupmu
nananana nananana nananana nananana
ku kan selalu di sisimu seumur hidupmu
seumur hidupmu [4x]
p/s: off to concert tonight... fufuuu gedebar
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
this is... crazyyyyyyyy
so i write it here. wahai hati.. bersabar boleh tak. cepuk kang grrrr part of my heart really want to talk to you but the other part wont let me. this is crazy.. ish3
this feeling.. can destroy my life okay. cannot study huff please god. lapangkan dadaku dan berilah hambamu ini peluang untuk bersama eh.. peluang untuk.. hmm entah la
apa2 pun kita doa sesame eh ^^
Sunday, March 18, 2012
here it goes again..
okay enough being-a-bit-pious.. back to the main story : MBFW
so i met her 9 years ago (omg really..?!! i lost count already huu) kami rommie berempat at pasum. duduk dekat 11th college.. yeap the best college eveeeer. even kenal dan berjumpa dalam masa yang singkat i.e setahun je.. it means a lot to me. dunno bout them tapi macam sama je kot errr eh btw dah penah buat post pasal diorang huh okay skip all the intro.
now 2012.. 2 of us dah kawen.. tinggal me and my friend lagi sorang heh dalam bergetar pun dari 8 orang.. enam dah kawen. tinggal dua orang juga. and from my best friends at ukm.. 2 out of 8 dah kawen. haha okay rilex still ada enam lagi. so here it goes again.. all the jodoh things.
as i look back on what i've been through these 26 years.. i found few peoples which i think the most compatible with me but definitely not my jodoh. should i complaint..? or regret bout it..?
NOPE.. wanna know why ::
you know life is worth the struggle when you look back on what you lost & realize what you have now is way better.. - maka nikmat Tuhan yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
don't worry
just please hurry.. and come here >__<
p/s: waiting mode heh
Sunday, March 11, 2012
ich vermisse dich
ich vermisse dich - auf Deutsch
i miss you - in English
saya rindu awak - dalam Bahasa Melayu
sekian kelas bahasa kita pada hari ni. not even sorry for the short post lol
btw i do.. miss you <3
Saturday, March 10, 2012
kerana bubbLe tea.. ouh
sebab tak suka tengok dia di jual sepah2 kiri kanan dalam shopping complex mahupun dekat mydin. heh okay tipu.. tipu.. fine sebab sebetulnya ialah ada issue tak percaya pada tahap kebersihan kedai tersebut. yela nampak cam cikai2 je kan.. =/
tapi bila ingat2 balik macam dari sekolah menengah dulu - tahun 2001/02 pernah minum kot. fae introduce to me and she once again bawak balik bubble tea ni dalam hidup den dalam setahun dua yang lepas grrrr. beli kat warta bangi je sebab memang sedap gilerr kot kat situ. and of course la order perisa honey dew yow. tapi baru minum sekali dua kedai tu dah tutop.. sedih kaaaan =(
then after that i never been a fan dah.. *okay tipu lagi ade gak satu percubaan beli bubble tea kat little taiwan (LT).. dekat depan carrefour alamanda tu (betui kaa.. ntah ler) tapi time tu macam loser2 lagi sebab before ni selalu fae yang beli jek hoho so i never know how to order..!! sekali je beli kat LT tuh.. dah tobat xbeli dah. mahai nak mampus pastu xsedap kot (okay maybe sebab salah pilih flavour kan huu)
then then.. back in august last year i went to sandakan dengan my lady bos.. haaa dia pun cam penggemar bubble tea kot sebab tetiba satu hari tu time odw balik dari site dia ajak pegi beli dekat satu kedai ni.. and OMG.. sedap giler koooot dorang buat..!!! rase cm nak bawak balik je serbuk yang dorang guna tu keh2
p/s:sesape tau kat mane nak dapat supplier buat bubble tea ni please let me know.. lol
okay that was not the main point of this post lagi.. i wanna tell moreee. so bila datang sini, sangat batak la bila jumpa bubble tea coz i think it's asian nye produk. and ada kakak sorang ni (kak mima dearie) introduce a bubble tea shop dekat stadt - name dia MEITO. and and i memang salute gileeer coz memang sama sedap la dengan dekat sandakan tuh.. hue2 coz im comparing the best of the best eh

and i've been to that shop like >10 times dah kot. biasalah ada ups and down.. kekadang pekerja dia buat sedap kekadang tak sedap. tapi bila dapat yang sedaaaap tu rasa nikmat sangaaaat.. sampai boleh senyum sorang2.. and siap boleh turn my swing mood haha yeah hanya kerana bubble tea ouh..!! harga dia pun not bad.. around 3,20 Euro. and staff kat situ pun siap dah boleh hafal my order.. coz asek sama je tiap kali datang kan.. hehs
black tea - milk - cold - honey dew - tapioca pearls.. my order forever and ever kot. dah rase gak orang lain nye camne tapi xbeeeeest.. huff
ouh kerana bubble tea jugak.. sebab tadi duk q panjang and dorang duk pasang lagu2 kat tv so today i jadi crazy dengar this song.. be mine from infinite (korean group kooot) the awkward moment is because i never been a fan of korean/japan artist huu sheT..!!
but i just love this song je laaa... okay layan eh
p/s: ramai betul satu group huu
Thursday, March 8, 2012
i wish one day we can..
coz you have no idea how much you mean to me. and how much i love you since the first day i know you.. but i just know that we can't be together =')
this is not a 'forever alone' kind of story or a 'friendzone' love story.. this is a true story and probably the story of my life..
ya Allah can you please grant me this >____<
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
- Five Minutes -
le me browsing le youtube and found them.. well i frankly wanna say they are damn good. think indonesian group.. but i have no idea which song are their's. since they also sing other's song.. contoh lagu feveret den dekat bawah ni.. okay enjoy.. ^^
Mungkin aku patut membenci dia
Karna mencintaimu
Jujur kukatakan aku tak rela dia curi hatimu
Karna ku lebih dulu jadi kekasihmu
Dan dengan sungguh mencintaimu
Ku tak ingin dirinya menggantikan aku
Karna ku tahu, ku lebih baik dari dirinya
Aku ingin dia yang pergi jauh
Pergi jauh darimu
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Lady Antebellum - Need You Now HD
Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor
Reachin' for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Another shot of whiskey can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin' at all
It's a quarter after one I'm all alone and I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
I just need you now (wait)
Ooo, baby, I need you now
Thursday, March 1, 2012
a D e L e
so, hasil dari pencarian google.. album 21 adalah album kedua dia selepas album pertama 19. heh okay boleh agak la kan.. album dia di namakan sempena umur dia.. cool kan. kalau ikut logik.. album seterusnya bertajuk 23 kwang2.. tapi korang silap. sebab nya birthday dia dah nak dekat i.e May so xsempat la nak release album 23 kan.. hehs tahun ni umur dia 24 koot.. macam xpercaya kan. yeap i looks younger than her.. kih3 =D
i remember listening to her song.. esp rolling in the deep. yela time keluar2 dengan my friend buka hitz / fly sume duk pasang lagu dia kot. and lagu someone like you tu dengar time dekat sini.. set fire to the rain pun sama.. haih kekadang terfikir juga kenapa dari dulu xdengar lagu2 dia huu
apa2 pun one fact you should know bout the album 21 tuh.. she start writing all the lyrics since 2009 i.e time broke up dengan ex-boyfriend dia. well sometimes kesedihan tu pun boleh menguntungkan seseorang kan? haha siapa sangka.. sebab putus cinta boleh menang grammy..!! giler.. me heartbroken pun takat hurm.. okay tayah tau details heh
what ever it is.. adele, keep it up. coz your voice memang best giler.. and you didn't even need all the techno music or ft. sesiapa etc.. coz you had it all - on your own.. =)
nah layan her performance time grammy hari tu.. standing ovation from audience.. ^^
p/s: really wanna go to your concert... >______<
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
29 February 2012
btw tahun ni pada tarikh ni ada majlis farewell style international i.e masak masakan dari home country for one of our friend yang join course master kami selama satu semester sahaja. dan dia akan balik for good tengah bulan Mac ni wuuu
it's okay nanti nak buat aseantrip dengan mereka ni time summer bulan 8 kang. mintak-mintak time tu duet lebat fufuu
so i cooked nasi lemak dengan ayam pedas - kes tak ada ikan bilis la ni hua3 and tadi tinggal 3 ketul ayam dekat rumah. shet it's gonna be a speculation among them coz i left 3 ketui ja.. yezzza depa kan duk kenen den dengan sorang hamba allah ni and tonight semua orang akan gather dekat rumah
owh yea.. also going to play bowling petang ni. kalau sempat la. naseb ada tempat bowling dekat rumah depa ni.. ^^
alright that's all update from me during february. my skii trip..? heh nanti dulu lah.. but it was awesoooome grrr i love skiing doch.!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
oh God.. why
tapi le familia somehow know my blog link ceh.. and for me to change the url again.. it's quite impossible la -___-'
susah den nak merapu.. tak bebas huh btw i just wanna meluahkan perasaan berkecamuk sekarang ni.
this one fella.. willing to come here to see me. so sweeet aite but this fella kan always buat spoil la. which is something i didn't dare to expose in here. but close enough to make me reject him huu
oh God why..? gimme next candidate please >___<
i iz super tense with this issue right now.. peoples in our community here busy m'kenenkan me with this guy.. my family also keep on asking me bout the other guy.. huh
but the only thing that matter to me at the moment is my study.. *poker face*
tetibe teringat someone said to me that i will not get married huff damn you.. =|
Friday, February 24, 2012
actually dari dulu memang tak tau nak minat warna apa. dan di sebabkan warna biru terlalu mainstream jadi saya suka banyak warna pelik seperti warna kelabu, hitam, hijau muda dan sebagainya.
ingat lagi masa sekolah menengah, kami geng berlapan semua ada warna kegemaran. atiyah dengan jingga (oren), aniah dengan merah jambu, alia dengan coklat, nadiah dengan kuning, dan bagi kami - faezah, liana and myself dengan warna biru. okay shet lupa syaila punya warna kegemaran apa.. kena tanya balik.
tapi bila saya minat warna biru tidak bermakna semua barang saya warna biru.. tidak tidak tidak. sebab nya saya tidak memilih warna. asal cantek je bedal. contohnya pencil case saya yang masih setia saya pakai dari zaman universiti dulu (brand radioactive) warna coklat kehijauan hehs sebab saya rasa dia sangat lah cantik owh. now dah bertahun pakai.. siap sempat pergi jerman dua kali lagi pencil case tu. time kerja pun dia sentiasa ada huu i lap u
lepas tu purse saya pula. warna kuning hua3 tapi sangat lah comot. yela tu susah pakai warna terang ni cepat kotor. tu pun dah lama juga la pakai dari tahun 2009 (brand united colors of benetton) insya allah lepas ni nak bertukar ke purse fossil pula. tapi masih mencari lagi yang sesuai
dari segi pakaian pula.. owh shet saya jarang2 beli baju pun. i know loser kan. tapi macam dulu2 suka beli baju warna coklat. dan hasilnya adalah sweater coklat, blouse coklat, seluar coklat. ah itu zaman degree dulu rasanya.
okay sekarang.. baru nak masuk cerita pasal tajuk post hari ini iaitu purple aka ungu. semenjak december tahun lepas saya rasa purple tu cantek sangat. jadi masa saya pergi ke UK saya sempat beli 2 helai baju yang sangat purple hehs kemudian dua hari lepas saya beli pula 2 jacket yang juga sangat purple.
ada masa nanti saya upload la my purplelicious heh
okay tschuss.. ^^
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The One That Got Away - Katy Perry (Cover by Tiffany Alvord & Chester See)
Summer after high school when we first met
We make out in your Mustang to Radiohead
And on my 18th Birthday
We got matching tattoos
Used to steal your parents' liquor
And climb to the roof
Talk about our future
Like we had a clue
Never planned that one day
I'd be losing you
In another life
I would be your girl
We'd keep all our promises
Be us against the world
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
I was June and you were my Johnny Cash
Never one without the other we made a pact
Sometimes when I miss you
I put those records on (Whoa)
Someone said you had your tattoo removed
Saw you downtown singing the Blues
It's time to face the music
I'm no longer your muse
But in another life
I would be your girl
We'd keep all our promises
Be us against the world
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The o-o-o-o-o-one [x3]
The one that got away
All this money can't buy me a time machine (Nooooo)
Can't replace you with a million rings (Nooooo)
I should've told you what you meant to me (Whoa)
'Cause now I pay the price
In another life
I would be your girl
We'd keep all our promises
Be us against the world
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The o-o-o-o-o-one [x3]
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
nice.. hehs btw busy with my exam. cant wait to enjoy my holiday for.. err nearly 2 months tho. but too broke to go home. besides have soo much things to do. skiing.. concert.. traveling etc lols
okay ciao.. =P
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
typical.. typical.. very typical MALAY DRAMA
haih pening tengok drama melayu sekarang.. haha i know i watch some of it. but not all.. hurm now yang saya layan pun ariana mikhail. sebab nora danish ke.. err or maybe sebab paris hehs =D *remember i love paris so much kan
but now auntie tengah tengok cerita gemersik kalbu.. err am i spell it right. tapi kan.. tengok skrip sume drama ni samaaaa je lols. pasal corporate.. mentua tak suka menantu.. cinta kontrak.. cinta paksaan.. cinta muka buku.. ehh jap tu tajuk lagu finalis AJL daa =P
boleh tak.. create something yang luar biasa dow. and please la.. jangan duk melarat and melalut giler macam cerita dhia tu.. opps the story dah okay tapi duk la panjang meleret2 sampai mengarut2. gilerkah..!! grrr
why dont amik kisah2 famous artis ke.. then karang la skrip. xkesah la kisah cinta ke duka ke.. huff
*okay ni semangat nak buat skrip drama ni.. trollols =DD
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
the same feeling
Saturday, January 21, 2012
staLking level : Asian
but but but.. you made me wanna staLk you 24/7 hehs i even made a meme for you. haish if only you know =P
okay crush.. i'll see u later yaa.. i'm done with you for today ngeh <3
owh btw i had this conflict.. about this one guy. hmm i think i'm playing safe with him.. i mean we did talk generally bout marriage.. life etc but i'm controlling my self from falling in love with him.
heek y.. coz i don't know whether he's the one. adeis i hate this feeling fufuu dear Allah please show me the way. nanti i rasa bersalah pula bagi dia harapan.. dah la chatting with him every single day >___<
but i kinda hate long distance relationship.. gaaa how did people survived from it hmm and have i done it before..? only Allah knows.. wallahualam
okay nite2.. it's already 4am. cheerio ~
Thursday, January 19, 2012
me.. pissing off
i know sometimes i'm being very kind.. but please dont take advantage on me. coz you gonna be the last person i wish to see in this life okay..?
yeah at least i still wanna see you coz i need to get my things back.. huff =|
inner peace.. inner peace.. fufufu really i'm done with you. please live a good life..
oh p/s: i didn't miss u and i dont want u to miss me either.. so why am i pissed off again..?! your attitude.. that's all.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Beribu Sesalan - 3 Suara Ning Baizura, Jaclyn Victor and Shila
Ku susuri malam ini
Yang tidak berbintang sunyi sepi
Juga rembulan dah menghilang
Dalam kelam ku sendiri
Ku mencari hembus bayu
Yang selalu berbisik madah rindu
Kini membisu dalam sayu
Tidak ku temu suaramu
Kekasihku di jalanan yang berliku
Di saat ku perlukanmu
Tertutup jua segalanya terhadapmu
Di sini ku tersedu-sedu
Setelah cinta pergi
Ku mengusung duka ini diiringi
Kisah janji dimungkiri lagi
Kekasihku di jalanan yang berliku
Di saat ku perlukanmu
Tertutup jua segalanya terhadapmu
Di sini ku tersedu-sedu
Setelah cinta pergi
Ku mengusung duka ini
Kisah janji
Sia-sia ku
Setia padamu
Sebak dadaku
Retak hatiku
Luka jiwaku
Dihiris pilu
Setia padamu
Sebak dadaku
Retak hatiku
Luka jiwaku
Dihiris pilu
Beribu sesalanku
p/s: love this song.. hope they can make it into top 3 in Anugerah Juara Lagu..!! =DD
Sunday, January 15, 2012

back in 2009 (a student) : me found the site
i have no idea how i came across this page.. maybe through google or something.. but i think it's from tumblr. somebody posted the link and i'm STUCK with it
it's a damn FUNNY SITE though.. haha and i did shared the page with my closest friends.
there's one time when i give the link to my friend and she finished scrooling from the first page till the latest one..!! hehs at that time it's possible to do so.. it's like 40+ pages something
we did talk about the post - at that time meme's is not the mainstream lools.. more on trolling the apple products etc. *damn i miss that moment
2010 - 2011 (an engineer)
rarely check on the site.. yeah i'm too busy hoho
2012 (a student once again)
hahs i'm addicted to it.. the same feeling like the first time i know bout it. but now it's a bit diff.. they have categorised the post. and the page..?!! 5k and counting.. lools very good though
with more than 1M likes in FB page.. it's trending worldwide. and the best thing happen to me last week.. is when u look at ur fren's laptop during the lectures.. it's 9GAG page..!! haha legendary
okay 9GAG
u made my day.. and since now i have ur apps in my iphone.. i'm sure people will think i'm crazy when they see i'm laughing and smiling alone in the train - odw to class..!! hehs
and owh yeah.. i'm thinking to create a 9GAG memes post but will only publish it in my blog.. owwww yeaaah..!! let's pray i have time for that haha
Saturday, January 14, 2012
no longer care bout you
what ever you wanna do in your life.. i just don't give a damn.
what ever things you plan to do.. i dont care.. GTFO
if you turned / changed into someone else.. wtfyeah
why coz.. i'm no longer care bout you. and it's a sweet peace of mind we called freedom ^^
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
what i've done... =/
today i went lunch with my coursemates.. at KFC (it's halal in Munich - Marienplatz). then on the way back to uni to attend a class (saje highlight nak tunjuk rajin sikit sebab pegi kelas.. even lambat masok 30 minit gara2 KFC)
then i saw a poster along side of the train station.. MARIA MENA in MUNICH - 21.03.2012
and.. and.. and.. owh I JUST BOUGHT THE TICKET. heeeks. only ONE TICKET (derp face).

dunno who to ask tho.. but i'm sure i will find someone at the concert.. damn it's gonna be my first concert ahaha but the weird thing is.. i feel nothing about it. the feeling is very PLAIN. no regret.. no worried.. no joys.. heeeks. weird though.
but just once in my life i wanna go to a concert.. to feel how it's like. to sing the song together. hoh that's probably my new year resolutions..!! do things that u think it's impossible to do.. =PP
okay now dup dap waiting for the tix.. agaga btw murah sahaja.. sebab itu saya beli.. =| €40 euro+ zzz hope i'm doing the right thing. haish. later will tell this to my mom and see how she react.. hehs