Thursday, July 5, 2012

i'm coming home..!!

last time.. when i decided to fly to Germany i said i wont go home for 2 years since this summer break i have a summer school in Finnland that i always wanted to go.. but then of course things changed. 

turned out that the summer school is on the last week of ramadhan.. gilo apo nak g summer school time puasa hish and then majority of the malaysian in Munich are going home to celebrate Aidul-Fitr so of course la i dont wanna be left behind.

BUT.. it's a high price to pay since i am going to de-register for one exam becoz suddenly the exam sesat jatuh time september.. ah so what..? i'll took it next sem.. alone coz all my coursemate will take it this year =( soobs

so actually there are few things which makes me really wanna go home..

first : my lil sister going to sit for her big exam - UPSR so the least that i can do is to study with her until the final day..

second : planning to bring my family to Universal Studio Singapore - USS (shud exclude my mom since i know she never gonna ride those frightening games lols) ah have to apply for a passport for the three of them - 300 melayang confirm -__-'

third : my second sister already ask me to bring her daughters to the zoo and sunway lagoon.. hoho okaaaaay 

fourth : im going to sabah for 4 days on early oct to do rafting haha.. and it's gonna be our trip together again (me, marni and muny) yeay..!! =D 

just for me to recall bout our trip together :

first year - USS (only three of us)
second year - sarawak (muny brought her bf along)
third year - sabah (marni going to bring along her bf)
forth year - ?? (me and him.. haha)

soooo basically.. my schedule is full. besides i had a business plan for my two lil brother. need to do lot's of survey and discussion. and of course had to make time to meet all my besties.. dang. 2 months and a half is not enough.. i think?

only one thing.. need to get all my important stuff from someone. aaa please respond to asap

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