28 December 1985... 3.02 am.
that was the exact date and time i was born. tak ingt hari ape.. maybe khamis kot ~ hehe
nway tepat jam 12 waktu mesia, byk la plak msg masok. even i know not all of my good friends have my phone number yg jerman nye.. since my maxis dah mati kan. wuuuu xsuke! nway thanks to all... for those who remember my birthday.
and there are few people's yg den syg tetbe xwish plak. huh no heart feeling.. i don't mind at all. birthday is not a big deal for me. just celebrating the day i was born (gosh.. it is big deal!!) bile pk itula hari kita dilahirkan ke muka bumi Allah ni dah di amanahkan untuk menjadi khalifah.. huhu besa mknenye. ok la itu diffrent thoughts..
and time kol 5ptg smlm.. time tuh dah besday den la waktu mesia. muny and kyah buat suprise plak. bwak kek and cocktail.. plus presents! ahaha terharu la gak. even kek tuh den tak tahu nme ape.. and please mind the decore will ya? ok gak la.. something ade apple dlm dia hihi and dpt adiah - xmo sebut la. bia menjadi rahsia antre kterg hihi
and today 2 times my family call. hehe sing me the song ~ terharu kuase infiniti la.. (^^)v. first time ateh call and that time mummy xdek kat umah. bile mummy balik dorg call lagi sekali hehe. best2. i think, that was the best things ever on my 23rd birthday. (nanti balik rumah nk claim cake la.. )
i wish.. dengan umo yg dah semakin lanjut ni.. bertambah dari sehari ke sehari.. i can cope with my life and i'm hoping for a bright future. never knows what will happen.. right? wish i can be a good engineer and a successfull business woman =p ngeeeeeeee
may Allah bless me always and melimpahkan hidayah dan kasih sayang-NYA kepada insan kerdil ini.
ok ciao.. have a blessful final week of 2008!!
that was the exact date and time i was born. tak ingt hari ape.. maybe khamis kot ~ hehe
nway tepat jam 12 waktu mesia, byk la plak msg masok. even i know not all of my good friends have my phone number yg jerman nye.. since my maxis dah mati kan. wuuuu xsuke! nway thanks to all... for those who remember my birthday.
and there are few people's yg den syg tetbe xwish plak. huh no heart feeling.. i don't mind at all. birthday is not a big deal for me. just celebrating the day i was born (gosh.. it is big deal!!) bile pk itula hari kita dilahirkan ke muka bumi Allah ni dah di amanahkan untuk menjadi khalifah.. huhu besa mknenye. ok la itu diffrent thoughts..
and time kol 5ptg smlm.. time tuh dah besday den la waktu mesia. muny and kyah buat suprise plak. bwak kek and cocktail.. plus presents! ahaha terharu la gak. even kek tuh den tak tahu nme ape.. and please mind the decore will ya? ok gak la.. something ade apple dlm dia hihi and dpt adiah - xmo sebut la. bia menjadi rahsia antre kterg hihi
and today 2 times my family call. hehe sing me the song ~ terharu kuase infiniti la.. (^^)v. first time ateh call and that time mummy xdek kat umah. bile mummy balik dorg call lagi sekali hehe. best2. i think, that was the best things ever on my 23rd birthday. (nanti balik rumah nk claim cake la.. )
i wish.. dengan umo yg dah semakin lanjut ni.. bertambah dari sehari ke sehari.. i can cope with my life and i'm hoping for a bright future. never knows what will happen.. right? wish i can be a good engineer and a successfull business woman =p ngeeeeeeee
may Allah bless me always and melimpahkan hidayah dan kasih sayang-NYA kepada insan kerdil ini.
ok ciao.. have a blessful final week of 2008!!