Wednesday, November 26, 2008

jangan berhenti berharap

i really love the words

i'm holding tight on this actually.. i mean this words really work for me
i think that's the main reason i can survive in Germany =p

actually i got this email few times.. but i'm the type that lazy-to-forward-email

thank god i found an alternative way to share this with my friends
BLOG! =p

just hold on tight on it.. will you?

1 comment:

m a r n y m a s u a n said...

nih cam email yg aku fwd...

Allah sgt syg akan Hamba-Nya
berusahalah dan jgn berhenti berharap
pasti ada sinar utk mu

gler GHEY
weH ape dah post ko tuh
rimas~(buhsan sume laahh)

told u what?
hih x gemar secret2 nih