Thursday, December 25, 2008

me.. and my new jacket (^^)v

questions about this jacket..

1. do you think this jacket is lovely/nice/smart/lawa and so on?

2. if your answer is yes.. please move to the next question. if your answer is no.. please explain.

3. since you said this jacket is ok.. do you know what am i going to say? hehe THANKS!!!

few facts about this jacket..

1. i've been admiring this jacket.. since 3,4 months ago (cudn't remember)

2. it was like.. love at first sight =p

3. at that time the price was 59,90 Euro ~ RM 300. OMG!! toooo expensive for me.. well we are not sponsored by JPA/MARA what so ever. so actually our monthly pocket money between 500-600 Euro compared to 1000 Euro for them. huhu so i think the jacket most likely like RM60 for them.. no problem.

4. then the price reduced --> 49,90 Euro. arghhh.. 10 Euro only? cet.. ok fine. but i'm still waiting for a big sale.

5. 18 December.. went to the shop again. OMG!! it was 29,90 Euro (RM150). ahaha so without hesitate.. i bought the jacket (^^)v. soooo damn happy. but then as a result.. i'm BROKE. like i told u before huhu

all of them.. marni, muny and kyah knows... how much i'm crazy about this jacket. everytime we went to that shop, i'll never ever leave the shop until i found this jacket first. agagagagagaga (they always changed the place!! huh every single time i went there.. pfenat cari)

above all.. this is the cheapest jacket yet the most expensive (normal price) jacket i ever have. kwang2.

so u see... ITS WORTH THE WAIT ~ or should i say jangan berhenti berharap?


Erin Rashid said...

ok per jacke tu
esprit mali order?

jOan of arc said...

huhu xdpt nye design cm ni..

lagipun jaket2 kat esprit tuh sume mcm sepesen jek. jenis2 yg dah ade.. and malas nk beli style yg sme hehe

ni beli kat new yorker.. brand Amisu =p.

Me N.a.Z.n.E.e.M said...

cun pe jacket tuh !! sape yg kutuk mesti sumething wrong with their eyes..

jOan of arc said...


xdek lagi org kutuk setakat nih..
mekasih =p

ainifairuS said...

eh smart okeh jacket tuh!!!
i loikeee...! :))
belila satu utk aku juge...hiks :P tengs.

hUmmY said...

woi cantek jaket tu! :|