Saturday, November 1, 2008

wELcome eveNing


banyak post yg bertemakan feeling saje... well honestly my life is kind of boring right now. bangun-makan-tido... tido-bangun-makan. boring ha? recently xkeluar shopping brg dapo and malas gilerrrrrr nk masak. so just stay in my room.. makan waffle with nusskati. and drink milo or chocomilk.. (everyday) menggemokkan ~ haih

next monday ade termin (appointment) regarding my thesis.. haven't prepare anything yet. adeiii malas nye. apesal la dilanda kemalasan yg amat nih. duk blik, asek online saje. tgk youtube.. huhu dah la tbe2 byk plak series baru start. i'm currently following these series:

: frontpage : ku milikmu : renjis 2 : awan dania : mentua vs menantu :

kalau kat malaysia mesti xkn tgk series2 nih.. tpi now kat jerman ni xdek hiburan so have to la ~ naseb ade utube (^_^) huhu

owh want to share a story about last thursday.. we have an event - welcome evening. the event is addressed especially to new international students in engineering and give them the chance to meet senior students.

and mende yang xbole blah is that we have to cook malaysian dish! dia (organiser) bg bajet 80 euro (RM400) and we came out with the new idea -masak kuih ketayap, murtabak with curry and apam balik.

dah la organiser xtau brape rmi yg dtg so kiterg kne masak je la byk2.. my GOD! so since rabu malam lagi dah prepare. buat murtabak.. balut pki kulit popia sbb mmg kat sni sng lagi wat cmtu. xdek keje nk wat doh...

then testing buat apam balik.. ok la menjadi hehe mlm tuh dri kul 7 mlm smpi kul 12 kterg berjaya wat murtabak hmpir 60pc.. then kari pun dah siap masak. giler penat.. sok plak pagi2 lagi nk kne bgn wat ketayap ngan apam balik plak. then nk kne goreng murtabak tu lagi aiiii

malam tuh 3 org je yg wat ~ then esok pagi naseb tenaga kerja ramai sket -5 ketul.. so dri kul 9.30 pagi smpi 4ptg 'pum pang pum pang'.. berjaya la menyiapkan all the food. adei mmg separuh mati jgk la.. dh r dri malam.. tido pong xbrape cukop huhu

tpi xpe la.. demi untuk event nih.. and demi tuk bg org2 sni rase malaysian food. kterg tabahkan ati jugak ~ (gile poyo ayat) huahuahua and the best part is when EVERYONE loooove the food... sume kate sedap. ngeh2.. i think that's enough.. untuk membayar segala penat lelah kterg. (ayat poyo lagi) hehe

undeniable kterg nye kehebatan memasak dah terkenal seantero NRW ahahaha giler angkat bakul sendiri.. no la its just that we have the reputation... so far so good. alhamdulillah.. mmg bercite2 nk buka rest pun kat sni (giler berangan) tapi mne de modal.. mau nye puluh ribu mesia. haih

so kterg low profile je la... masak2 tuk kepuasan sendiri. and selalu jgk tolong masak for event2. yela duk sni tolong laaaa boring giler ok!!! selain dri melancong2 yg mmg tahap dewa sronoknye.. mende lain sume boring. so masak2 tuh untuk membunuh kebosanan laaa huhu

nnt next event yg kne pegi.. birthday schamimi - 8/11 and birthday nahfiz + warming house kak nadia next month kot. to kak erin, if u need help - yela mesti byk nk masak plus nk layan schamimi lagi hehe kterg bole je tolong.. tolong tgkkan schamimi!! huahua and macam nk bwk desert je pegi umah kak erin. coz bahan masak2 byk giler lagi lebih dri event ritu. hurmm nnt pk.

ok nnt upload gmba k.. now cm dh ngantuk plak ~ tido lagi huhu

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