Monday, November 17, 2008

hari bengang sedunia

Xtau nk menyumpah ke hape ke.. but today is definitely not one of my good day.. even pagi tadi mood mcm ok tetbe ptg tdi ade plak brite yg mcm nk menangis bile dgr. Haih.. sng cerita ticket flight tarikh yg tgh nk book tuh dah xdek offer.. end of story.

So now kne cri tiket bru.. kne sevey balik.. aih mmg wat pening kpale den jek. kdg2 travel agent ni bukan bole caye sgt. Mcm bangang pun ade.. ok.. dah tersumpah lak. Lek2.. sometimes rase lega bile sebut2 perkataan xelok neh. Nape agaknye.. haih mengucap2..

Then tringt plak the other day.. borak2 ngan one of my friend.. life kat sni.. mmg down dia lebih dri up. Mcm dkat ukm tuh down sket2 jek.. ni kat jerman ni down xnk up2.. mengambil ayat dia ‘down smpi dah tak tau cmne nk down lagi’ ahahahah so funny ayat dia but I looove it.

Btul jugak.. bg kterg, rase down tu mcm dah biase dah. Mcm dah kebal agaknye. Hri ni fail paper esok dah happy, bole gelak2.

But for me.. the key word - no regret.. no matter what happen, no matter how hard it is.. I will never ever regret coming here.. y? because I never felt that way. Tah la.. its not perasan hebat ke hape.. and its not that nk belagak jadi cool/bagus/etc.. but series.. why should i?

the whole things that had happened during these years… xternilai harganye ~ money can’t buy experience or should I say my double degree UKM/UDE was an absolute experience that money can’t buy =p

maybe kene tulis buku gamaknye… (giler perasan hebat) no la… I wish I could share those ups and down during my study with other people. Bole r jdi pakar motivasi ke hape kan hihi and I think the starting point is when I go back to Malaysia on January. Mmg kne jadi jurucakap la gamaknye ~ dah la de satu tugas tergendala lagi. Have to prepare a report.. aiyayayaya mmg susah gak jadi DUTA KECIL neh.

Ok stop mengarut.. now I want to write my thesis. Smbil2 ade mood and idea dtg mencurah2 ni, baik buat keje. bagus jugak jdi emo kid today.. xpasal2 rajin wat thesis lallalalaalala

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