agak bz...
searching for a new part time job and doing my thesis and surfing the net and sleeping until noon and bla bla bla...
hari ni pergi birthday party dekat rumah kak erin and yob.. (slumber pgl yob.. hehe abg fauzi la). their daughter baru masuk satu tahun.. so kterg pegila bersuka ria kat umah dia hehe... best gilerrr! really enjoy ourself there.. tpi xtau pesal skang ni trase penat sgt badan.. nk menulis pun xbrape larat ~ haih plik2.. sbb slalu kua pn xdek r xlarat cm rini huhu giler mcm org tua! ahahaha
tdi mkn nasi tomato + daging masak kurma + ayam masak merah + mee goreng + bubur pulut itam + 2 jenis kek + buah limau + air coke + air buah (giler detail... hehe). syok2.. actually majlis start 12 onwards tpi kami sebagai gadis2 yg baik hati pegila sejam awal tuk tolong mne patut..
yela sian jugak kat kak erin ngan yob je wat keje.. dah la de schamimi (anak mereka) mesti mcm sedikit susah nk wat keje. dah r rmi giler tetamunye.. smpi 20+ kot ~ so mcm byk la nk kne masak. haha tpi kebenarannya kami hanye tolong potong sayur2 and susun2 food jek. dorg dh siap masak daaa... ngeeee
dri kul 11 smpi kul 6 lebih... kterg la org fes dtg and org plg last balik hehehehe xkesah langsung sbb de baby schamimi - eh perasan tak ejaan nme dia ala2 schumacher cmtuh.. ha tu la sbb schamimi ni lahir kat jerman ~ cool giler! loooove it... tak pasal2 nnt nk bg nme anak start ngan nme 'sch' gak r heeee. tu pon klu lahir kat jerman la.. lalalalalaalaa
and tdi part plg best time buka2 adiah.. happening sgt. hehe byk giler adiah schamimi. siap bole wat zoo lagi.. byk sgt dpt toy bentuk2 binatang huahuahua kterg pon bgi toy bentuk penguin dgn baju winter kaler pink ~ girlish giler haha itu la.. klu nk adiah bebyk jgn lupe wat besday party. konfem org dtg bwk adiah.. tpi dh besa2 nih klu nk clebrate mcm plik la plak.. i mean mcm XSESUAI ~
then balik tdi smpt jgk singgah city jap.. shopping2 smbil tngkap gmba ~ buang tebiat. dah r sejuk bangat hih! well nk dekat2 penghujung ni.. trase nk slalu spend time together.. nnt balik mesia sume duduk jauh2. huhu gonna miss u all la.. esp budak 3 ketul marni, muny and kyah. (tetbe emo kejap ~ ok rilek2 najwa.. gelabah laaa)
owh and then mende plg sengal.. guess what?? bole tak - lupe nk turn off suis IRON.. naseb xmeletop blik nih.. haih giler cuak. dh r time balik tu pun xprasan lagi.. tetbe de bunyi.. mmg iron ni de satu jenis bunyi.. bile tgk2.. ya allah xoff suis! giler2... naseb iron kat sni dia mmg agak sengal unta sket.. xbrape panas sgt huhu patut sepanjang hari ni mcm hati tak tenang jek.. mcm ade sesuatu. haih ~ please be more careful next time wahai cik najwa.. tu r tdi gelabah nk bersiap cecpt. aiiiyayayay thanked ALLAH!
owh yea now dh nk winter.. kol 4.50 dah maghrib. so bole imagine sendri la kan? kul 5 tuh dah gelap laaaaa... and mlm semkin panjang huhu xtau nk suke ke tak.. haih ~ tpi the best thing is bole pki baju2 winter.. jacket - boot - shawl - glove.. syok2.. macam sarat plak ngan aksesori ekekekekeke. klu summer tuh mcm comot jek pki baju selapis ngan sua haih.. xbest2. (kesimpulan : me kat mesia mmg comot.. ~ kahkahkahkah)
tah la kat sni sng nk 'bergaya' sbb sarung jacket jek kat lua.. so kat dlm org mmg tak tahu le pki hape kan.. kat mesia klu nk pki jacket tuh mau kne gelak guling2. haiiiiish.. jaket jeans tuh xmasuk la dlm senarai k.. xsuke jaket jeans!! huahuahua jaket kulit lak klu nek moto besa sesuai le de satu.. tpi kot2 nek skuter tuh, pki jacket kulit agak2 cm kne gelak jugak jek.. maybe tak smpi berguling2 la.. gelak2 jahat bese je kot. tah le
eh sesape yg bwk skuter dan de jaket kulit jgn terase plak k.. huhu nnt korg tuka la bwk moto besa xpun tuka pki jaket jeans ngeh2... (gile merepek dah den neh ~)
owh yea hari sgt happy giler sbb ARSENAL menang!!! 2-1 lawan man xunited ahahaha go go bebeh! going to support u until dah jdi nenek ~ (senget jerk) yela lately arsenal mcm agak down sket.. panas je telinga dgr org kutuk.. xpun terbaka je mata membace tulisan2 yg xsedap dibace dlm paper/net/so on... i am a die hard fan. tpi xdek la smpi nanges klu arsenal kalah. cume agak emo sekejap smbil menyumpah2 sket heeee (opppps nyumpah bese2 jek.. cm bodoh-bengap cmtula)
erm.. hari kamis lepas dah call travel agent.. book tiket flight. probably date yg dah diset adalah 9 januari smpi 22 februari.. dah dpt invois cume belom byr lagi. nk transfer duit kne tgu family bank in dlu. huh mmg sengal pegi booking without de enough money dlm bank!! hih senget2.. tah r.. ritu de mse lapang.. boring2 tetbe nk call. haih ~ now kne tepon balik sbb nk hold payment. adei.. silly me!
tpi yg sronok giler tuh harge tiket sgt murah la.. sbb de sale. fly with EMIRATES (dah 3x naik gak) and return ticket from frankfurt - KUL hanya 552 euro saje dlm rm2600.. bese nye adalah 1000 euro cmtuh (~rm 5000). hehe best kan?? half price.. thank you ALLAH. tipsnye date tuh kne betul.. bia de sale hehe tapi right now still dlm dilema lagi la.. nk balik trus ke nk balik sni balik. yela mmg beli ticket return.. tpi klu nk burn ticket balik jerman tu pun xpe jek. coz mmg lagi worth beli ticket return dri beli ticket one way. ticket one way 700 euro.. kan ke siot je tuh. bek beli return.. hehe tips no 2 tue. please take note..
mslh dilema ni.. ma sayang kate banyak2 la berdoa semoga mendapat petunjuk dariNYA.. baik mummy! huhu now tgh cri petunjuk la nih.. if i got a superb part time job then i will not hesitate to stay here a lil bit longer coz i'll earn my own money. coz i'm done my study (only if i was able to finish my thesis).. so what for i want to come back here right? ya ALLAH berilah petunjuk kepada hambamu ini.. amin.
owh tringt marni tnye why am i hesitate to go back for good/why i want to stay here a lil bit longer. give her 10 reasons.. then i said 10 is too much. so she asked me for 4 reasons. (plik gak nape 4.. slalu 5 kan huahuahua)
ok my answers..
- deep in my heart i don't want to go back yet ~ coz there's something that i'm not done yet. but i couldn't figure out what is it.. pelik huh? tpi perasaan ni still ade dalam hati nih.. aiyayaya
- i want to have at least one year experience working in germany. as an engineer of coz! but that is the hardest thing to do... ingt sng ke nk cri keje sni? plg koman pun kne ade master tau huhu.. coz education system in here is different compare with malaysia. susah nk explain tpi klu apply keje dgn degree jek.. mmg susah laaaaaa
- i want to travel around europe.. i mean all those femes places yg xpegi lagi ehehehe italy, spain, swiss, austria, scandinavian countries.. haihhhh
- i have my maximum target.. 3 years in germany. and now bru go through half way.. and actually i was thinking going back for good (if xdpt keje sni) on ogos. time nk konvo hehe itula my real planning. nnt nk buat at least one more time practical from april until ogos.
see.. macam2 kan. tah la.. well kite hanya merancang, ALLAH yg menentukan. dan setiap ketentuan dari ALLAH itu ada hikmah disebaliknya. mungkin kite tak dpt apa yg kite nak tpi at the end we'll understand why it went that way.. (mcm ayat memujuk dri sndri). well i pray for the best for my self. if ditakdirkan mmg rezeki tuh ade di mesia then i'll go back to mesia. no worry! hehe positive thinking ok people!
till then.. daaa