Friday, September 23, 2011

from BTN... day 1&2

yoow.. tengah baring bergelapan dalam seLimut sambil merengkok (err betul ke penggunaan ayat ni -_-') sebab kesejukan dek air cond.. hehs

boleh imagine tak.. BTN kami macam super cool sebab duk dalam aircond bagai haha seriesly reading from others post pasal BTN memang scary berbulu tau..

alhamdulillah.. we are the second batch yang buat BTN dekat Akademi Kenegaraan aka Biro Tatanegara @ Jalan Bellamy KL ni.. ngeee tak payah pergi uLu sepri dalam hutan nun.

sini bilik dia pun cool giler.. dalam bilik ada bilik gege ada faham ka..? nanti explain later with pics. okay masa register semalam dia bagi kit penginapan - ceewah xboleh bLah - yang mengandungi item berikut :

1. kunci bilik.. yeler wajib ada kot
2. beg yg mengandungi bahan2 kursus.. cam bese la kan haha paling xboleh blah dapat pin 1Malaysia and satu buku pasal 1Malaysia gak.. siap ada rege 20 hengget gege
3. selimut, cadar and sarung bantal
4. remote air cond ahaha cute giLer kot

*p/s : marni yang datang hantar sampai sini.. sob sab terharu

then kami semua duduk di bangunan yang sama saja.. ada 3 tingkat kot. and dia susun peserta ikut siapa daftar paling awal dapat duduk paling atas -_-' nak jadi cerita, i'm the first person check in dekat bilik kami ni.. dekat G means bawah sekali la.. ( sebab lambaat)

masuk2 bilik waaa kagum giler.. ada meja makan.. ada iron board n iron sekali.. then dekat hall tu juga ada 2 sink with mirrors.. and dalam bilik tu ada lagi 3 bilik lain. so roomate ada 3 orang lah patutnya hehe then ada tempat 2 shower.. n 2 toilet - satu toilet duduk lagi satu toilet ortodox tu ngeh

hmm kan sepatutnya bilik sorang satu tapi sebab kami ni bilik last so yang datang lambat2 sume duduk sini. jadila satu bilik duduk 2 orang. total orang dalam 'rumah' kami ada 6 lah..! okay je the more the merrier hehe

so i dapat roomate with sorg dentist hehe dia nak pergi King' College London. others rummie sume nak pergi UK la Aussie la NZ la. den sorang pergi jermang.. huu dah la paling muda kot tete tapi diorang ni sume nak pergi buat phd and sub kepakaran.. chooiii terasa lak paling loser kat sini. and diorang semua lecturer n docs la. pergh hebat semua diorang ni.. suke2 ^^

overall i'm having fun here.. no stress at all unless from my client yang sebok kejar2 report tu gege basically we are having lectures for the first 2 days then next 2 days LDK.. and the last day.. exam. it's not really brainwash actually.. and totally diff with what i've heard/imagine before.

it makes me better understanding on the 1Malaysia concept.. which i really dont pun at first haha. and all the speakers memang hebat belaka.. well experience in their field. but of course mengantuk and bosan 2 jam dengar lecture ngeh

what ever it is.. i can't wait to complete the kursus and get back to office. finish all my pending works and FLY TO GERMANY hehe without any hesitation..!!

i think im very clear with what i really want now.. conflict yang before ni tu i think i finally can handle it. i wanna be the expertise in transport and i want to contribute the ideas in order to transform Malaysia to achieve 2020 vision..!!

wah.. suddenly i talk like orang gov meh.. ahaha

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