Tuesday, September 20, 2011

confLict bertambah kronik.. =/

ouch.. how do i translate.. all the emotions n feelings into words.. ='(

i received official letter from JKKP - Jabatan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerja regarding my posting at JKKP Perak as Inspector of Factory & Machinery J41 (sesuka translate haha)

so just now i called them and asked bout my situation aka confLict ni.. hurm and they said that i have to choose either one.. to further my study and reject the offer or vice versa lah.. accept JKKP offer n postpone my study etc.. haiyaa

at first i am very confident to reject the JKKP offer sekali dia cakap tak ramai yang dapat.. dalam hundreds pergi iv.. they only need 12..!! so i am one of them la.. see syco giler kan..? it does explain the situation.. which - is not that easy to get the post and i am the lucky one together with the other 11.. T__T

so now tetiba tak tau nak pilih mana satu... but i've gone too far though. already submit all the perjanjian with mara.. and also attending the BTN this week.. dang dang..

i do love both.. i mean to work with JKKP is one of the engineering field which is very very interesting.. but then i just can't let go my desire and interest in transport... wuuu T__T okay i know.. solat istikharah and pray hard.. >__<


eHa said...

wowww!! congrates!!

wei.. xley ke ko accept je offer jk apetah tu... then.. 4bulan lagi.. ko ckp nk g study.. cuti bergaji gitu... xley ke...?

cube ko tanye org yg lebih pakar.. tah2 ko kol aritu kerani die ke yg jawab..

Anonymous said...

12 org je yang nak keje kat perak. nandos pon takde. boringggggggggg

jOan of arc said...

anon : pehal plak.. i was the only one dpt kat perak. the rest kekosongan dekat negeri lain pffffft elllo perak got the biggest jusco in mesia next year ahaha

eha : huhu tah la babe.. ak rase cm pasrah ke jermang je ni ehehe