Friday, December 31, 2010
f C u k
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
d E m A m
saya demam... day 5.
thank you.
p/s: siLa maafkan segala silap dan salah. =)
Monday, December 20, 2010
kaki wayang
i'm officially seorang KAKI WAYANG..... =/

seriesly... lately asek g tengok wayang jek. ape kes..??!! nak kate banyak duet.. tak de la plak. hujung2 nyawa ada... smpikan nak byr toL pun korek2 duet tabung.. *ceit.. penat je simpan bebyk duet 50sen.. wuuu
cakap je... cite ape. haa harry porter/tron/ngangkung.. err/rapunzel/megamind/ etc2... xingt dah la cite ape lagi.. sume dah tengok. narnia nnt nk tgk next week with geng ukm... pendek kate sume cite yg kategori OKAY kat wayang tu den dah tengok lah... hehs *gelap je hati 40 hari.. naseb dah abes bLaja.. =P
oh yea.. tips tengok wayang. JANGAN TENGOK KAT TGV..!! ah.. even though anda nye pop corn mmg paling sedap dalam mesia tapi blah la.. tiket wayang anda sangat la mahal nak mamp. 14 ringgit.. come one la.. dah la sume cite ko pegi kasi rate 14. cite yg zaman tuk kadok pn 14 gak.. giLer..! kusi pun hampeh + loser... pfffffffffffffft
baek pegi GSC... harga dia saya suka.. tak de la sume movie pn 14.. yg bru kua pn baru 11 okay.. hehs. naseb la alamanda tu GSC yeak.. XD *tapi yang perlu anda upgrade is.. tolong la pegi curi resepi pop corn kat TGV tu.. huhu T___T and please adekan air VANILLA COKE..!! tu pn susah ke..? ayark
semenjak jadi kaki wayang ni.. mmg berkira la pasal duet huhu dah la bole pegi time weekend je. can u imagine.. wayang je klu dua orang dah 30 ringgit... + beli popcorn etc 10-20 ringgit. pastu nnt nk lunch/diner ke.. minimum pn 30 (x2 = 60) ringgit. parking lagi huhu adakah setiap kali keluar nak kene ada dlm 80 ringgit --> 150..!!!
cmne korg2 ni dating eh zaman skola dulu.. banyak duet ke? den yg keje ni pn kepokaian tahap dewa..!!!!! urggggh
p/s: rabu ni my colleague ajak tgk cite hantu kak limah balik rumah.. haha deym since when saya minat tengok cite melayu neh.. haih layaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan..!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
something u can't lie... =)
that i keep on watching this person. or maybe u wanna call it.. staLking =/ n yeah i read this person twitter.. even i know there's nothing interests me at all
not sure what am i looking for..? maybe just eager to know whether this person okay or not. hurm still doesn't explain that much.
owh yea.. now this person had new blog.. im pretty sure this person can traced me right? i mean from the stats.. hahs that is something u can't lie.
i'm very sure this person know.. that 'i'm still stalking dia'.. huff idiot...!!
Friday, December 10, 2010
tired.. n depressed..!!
someone once told me.. 'i think u'll end up married at 30's or maybe tak kawen langsung..' kurang aja kan budak sorg nih.. T__T *xsuke u =P
why... because i'm a career person. hua3.. tertekan plak ngan statement tu. hurm rasanya telah mewarisi perangai gila kerja arwah ayah saya lah... =| he was a very hardworking man.. until my mother bising2 cakap lenkali pegi la tido kat office nun.. hehs.
dad.. somehow i wish u were here.. tengok ur daughter perangai macam u jugak =)
okay btw why i'm posting this.. now its 7pm already.. still in the office. have loads of work to do. even though my boss wasn't around.. haih. n u wanna know something.. it has been couple of months i've been working on weekends n public holidays..! yes... even last raya haji also i was in the office. giLer kan..? WORKLOAD.. thank you!
i'm TIRED already... plus depressed. but its okay... this will end soon *hopefully ^^
hopefully everything goes according to plan.. bye2 Malaysia.. <3
Friday, December 3, 2010
patah kaki... tangan... etc hufff
suddenly terfikir mende yang bukan2.. what if i have to undergo a surgery.. then my hand cannot be use anymore..? n time tu jugak la baru terfikir alangkah bersyukurnya.. menjadi manusia yang sempurna huhu
so please.. do take care of yourseLf.. especially YOU. yang selalu being clumsy =)
btw haven't update that much sebab...
1st. busy-yg-amat n thank god. my boss is on holiday for 2 weeks... =D *giler heaven... n i dont have much job to do. except to monitor few kids to do data analysis. hehs.. i'm gonna be diorang punye bos. yezza.. n of course la.. time bos tak de nak curi tulang sket2. pegi servis my car yang dah over millage tu huhu mama already sound me.. pastu nk suh book appointment esok.. yada yada.. sok sabtu la mama.. confirm ramai org.
2nd. lappy-rosak-lagi-fCuk-'patah kaki'..! yesss sbb tu mcm jarang online. kat rumah malas nk gune lappy org laen. haih.. so balik rumah.. tgk tv.. tido. owh or maybe sometimes online fb je kat phone. giler loser kot if nak blogging kat phone..! OMG nak iphone 4 please =D im sure the phone can do almost every thing.. hehs
p/s: someone promise me iphone 4... thihihihi THANK YOU
owh yea.. mane tmpt best nk pegi holiday eh. bajet seribu sorg.. n its a company trip..! haih bos ni mesti cut kterg nye bonus.. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffine.
nak g holiday gempak nye pasal...
wokey ler.. im off to melaka this week. abg halim nye wedding ^^. n will be together again with my besties.. muny n marni. can't wait to see u girLs.. hihi
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
nak pilS supaya TAK tido pleasee..!!
tahniah n thank you bos.. kasi sebeban kerja yg memang membebankan.. hadoi. was thinking to take pils tuk tahan TAK tido for next 3, 4 days.. finish my work then boooooooooom..! isnin n selasa MC okay tak.. hihi XD
tapi tetbe teringt.. on wednesday tu bos ade kasi deadline for other task. haih... so now i have to chase the deadlinessssssssssssssssssssss... 22/11 then 24/11 and lastly 30/11. see.. i have 3 important task.. for next 12 days. giler T___T
kalau senang xpe la jugak.. ni mmg tahap kene tdo kat ofis la demi menyiapkan keje.. fufuuuuuuuuuh
ape ape pun saya suka bos saya.. hari ni lepaskan saya awal hehs.. *baru je mntk nak balik kul 5. baru nk ckp reason knape.. bos dah kate 'okay... bole' ^^. pk2 balik.. mmg bagus la my bos ni. cume kekdg je dia nye errr 'datang bulan'.. lalu habis la puting beliung ofis ni huahua
k zassss to kL... =D *watching harry potter n dpt makan sedap2 hopefully
Monday, November 15, 2010
laaa... kan nak raya?
still at my desk... ='( geeeeeez banyak kerja lah. so mcm stay up tonite. am i alone..?? nope.. with my colleague lah.. nak mampus seko2 kat sni huhu im not that brave hessh @_@
esok selasa eh.. sepatutnya every selasa kterang ada futsaL. now dah start balik.. after break.. erm arm urm lame gak laa huhu dulu futsaL kterg every monday.. now tuka selasa. tak tau kenapa but i dont really give a damn lah. okay saje kot.. hehs

so just today.. i asked kak Pah (my dear colleague) 'kak.. malam sok ade futsaL tak?' - ugh kes gian giler nak maen pas berbulan2 'cuti rehat'
skali dia ckp ape tau... 'laaa... kan nak raya?' demm T__T why.. why.. naj.. u always ask something irrelevant nowadays? agagaga
yeay.. so sok mlm... konfem my mummy akan masak rendang ^^. sukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee n seLamat hari raya qurban semua.
pssst: ade qurban kaaa taun ni? hehs... =)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
aGen mencari joDoh... for mE =D
saya berusia 24 tahun 319 hari errr lagi sebulan setengah nak 25 tahun =D n yeah apparently now im single but half-available.. lols

and this morning.. tak pasal2 kene bebel ngan mama.. she wants me to add this guy..!! so weird okay suddenly my family are 'forcing' me to get a bf.. hehs *okay actually this MAYBE got something to do with my grandpa's wish last raya... while holding my hand he said 'tok bah nak.. nanti bulan 1 taun depan.. kelik klantan bawak bf okay..?' o__O errr
p/s: we are going back to klate coz my cousin is getting married on january
ugh my atok ni... agaga tensen den. still remember everyone was laughing at me that moment.. cheeeeese dorg ingt senang ke nk cari the perfect one. duuuh
i was chatting with my girl friend.. she's a chinese tau. my dear friend at germany dlu.. suddenly ha she said.. 'i wanna introduce u to this guy..' errr i was like.. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? *so cute kan dia ni? haha and i laugh a lots.. kat ofis ni. naseb my bos tak de sini haish.
then i said to her.. 'i confuse.. n why me?' then she said 'yela.. u kan single..' DANG...!! stupid quest... T__T and she said she have his picture.. in her FB
haha so i asked la for the link... TADAAAAAAAAA hensem =D kah kah kah.. puteh giler n mcm chinese look sket. smpi i asked her another stupid quest.. 'errr is he malay or chinese..' x__x best answer given - 100% malay... haha OMG so sengaL la me today haih think logically la naj.. takkan dia nk introduce kat chinese guy plak huhu
but seriesly.. 2 case in one day... about my jodoh...!! i dont think i can be sane anymore.. with all the workloads.... damn damn.... need a VACATION please @_@
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
halal... non halal...??
msg from muny - 'wei paparich ko tak halal r.....'
erk... bile plak paparich tu ak nye wei... XD hihi okay2 i got it... yela saya mmg antu kopitiam pun. huhu kisahnye last week kterg g brunch kat depan rumah muny.. ada paparich siot. jalan 2-3 minit je dah smpi... wuuu jeles T__T
tpi mula2 tu memang muny duk bising.. ckp paparich ni tak halal. then berbekalkan pengetahuan dan pembacaan dari paper.. *please read this first* memang la ritu paparich kepong yg kene serbu err tpi dorg defend balik ckp kat situ je pembekal ayam dia lain. hoho okay senang giler kot percaya bulat2 ape dorg ckp... loseeeer
so berbalik kepada muny yang tak habes2 kacau den rini pasal isu halal.. *haha xpasal2 hari ni hari m'google pasal halal okay.. sheeesh
sebenarnya.. sijil halal ni mmg only from JAKIM/JAIN. but then ada juga company swasta yang keluarkan sijil.... and sadly sume dah kene tarik balik kot. most of the restoran sbnanya guna yg swasta punya... bole fikir sendiri tak.. kiranya SUME SIJIL SWASTA TU TAK DIIKTIRAF.. ni company swasta yg keluarkan sijil halal.. tpi dah kene banned.
- Bahtera Lagenda Sdn Bhd
- Islamic Food and Research Council
- SAS-H Consultancy
- Perak Religious Officer Association
- Halal Food Council S.E.A
- IFANCA International.
jgan makan kat rest tu klu jmpe logo2 ini yek...
honestly.. sebab kita ni kononnya la.. negara islam.. ramai penduduk islam so we take it for granted. do u really think sume bende halal kah..? NOPE...! n im shocked too.
so why.. why.. n why.. kite semua masih lagi suke melepak2.. makan2.. kat tempat yang memang byk keraguan dia.. old town white coffee.. paparich.. ice room.. bangi kopitiam.. johnny's.. chicken rice shop.. dome.. victoria station.. etc *penat kot nak tules... huhu
tapi if nak lepak tak makan mende2 daging/ayam etc bole ker? cm makan roti bakar je ke.. hurm.. tah la.
so please.. PLEASE CHECK THE HALAL LOGO... or jakim website for halal's food okay?
p/s: susah2.. sila la masak sendiri kat umah =)
Monday, November 1, 2010
saya anak keLantan.. so what?
hari sabtu lepas berfoya-foya with my friends.. tengok wayang.. shopping kat ikea.. pegi low yat beli ubat for my beloved lappy.. makan2 tahap tak ingt dunia + tahap gemuT... huhu @__@
then malam sabtu tu.. jalan2 nak cari makan kat kg baru. ugh gilerrrr sangat penuh ngan penyokong kelantan kot.. mcm lautan merah plak kat kg baru tuh. pada masa tu, still clueless pasal result piala mesia. err menang ke kalah.. waaa geram giler nak benti jap kat tepi jalan.. buka tingkap then tanya mamat2 tuh.. 'err.. bang klate menang ke kalah..?'
tapi bile pk2 balik.. bahaye kot buat cmtu. di buat nye klate kalah.. mau kterg kne maki ke kne belasah ke.. *yela mne tau dorg pk kterg saje2 tnye pdhal dah tau klate kalah.. haih naye2. org klantan ni bole tahan la jugak barannye kot.. esp penyokong bola hehs
and di sebalik riak muka dorg tu.. pun xbole nak tau klate menang ke kalah. my fren sorg ni siap ckp.. 'ee tah2 kalah.. cam frust je muke' huhu deym.. bukan ke korg sepatutnya terkinja-kinja ke.. lompat2 bawak bendera ke.. errr cmtu baru la celebrate namenye >__<
owh ye before that.. sbnanye smpt singgah mcD kejap. so sempat tgk live score time tu 1-0 b4 half time. dlm hati.. takkan la final last year berulang kot..!! okay tak pe.. balik tu tido trus. sok la pk.. jeng3
*sunday moaning err eh morning.. buka2 je internet..!!!
firstly. check utusan online - dunno why i open utusan instead of bharian.. haha lantak ah
then secondly. buka - yeah i remember ade match ngan west ham gak at the same night.
YEAY.. cudn't be happier... klantan menang and arsenal menang.. ^^ doubLe joy hehs
alrite enough pasal boLa2 ni. sbnanya my main point is nak cerita pasal mende lain hoho tpi entry ni pn dah pnjg.. smbung je la next post.. =P
Thursday, October 28, 2010
oit.. oit
Thursday, October 7, 2010
tweeeet... tweeeet
saya tak jumpa pun kawan-kawan saya yang suke b'tweeeet =( jadi tak boleh nak jadi follower mahu pun difollowing oleh mereka.. ceit
btw this is my twitter account :

ahaha yela i just recently active.. nanti la kalau ada masa will try being a good follower.. ceewah.
Monday, October 4, 2010
today is 4th oct...!!
first: hari ni open office. owh penat giLe + gemuk giLe wuuu T__T also i had my first presentation depan sume colleagues plus head2 of dep. yezzza gabra siot
second: i had a minor surgery on my left arm. kena satu jahitan. pLus... SATU HARI MC yeay =D
thirdly: tapi disebabkan surgery inilah.. badan rasa mau demam =( and auch dia suke berdenyut2 okay. sakit giLe vaviiii. dah macam tak de mood. mau tido saja. huhu tapi lapar la plak. okay my lil bro will buy me mcD... *mengidamnye kes*
fourthly: rase tensen sangat sebab tak tau esok nak MC ke tak. esok ada dua meeting yang penting time petang. haih.. dear boss, boss pegi sorang bole ke >__< okay tak pe, esok pagi text bos, ngeh.
fifthly: okay biLa sampai rumah, tercari2 ade surat tak hari ni. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees got my FIRST CREDIT CARD - hoho eh think it shud be second one la since i have one time belajar dulu. memang menempah maut je la ade kad kredit ni, but i think i shud have one la. emergency case.. lalalala
okay so sebenanya mood sangat happy sebab esok bole cuti + dapat card credit + i had this surgery suke3.. but then haih pasal meeting sok ni spoil betul laaaaa =(
Friday, October 1, 2010
Hijau Daun - (Suara Ku Berharap)
di sini aku masih sendiri
merenungi hari-hari sepi
aku tanpamu, masih tanpamu
bila esok hari datang lagi
ku coba hadapi semua ini
meski tanpamu oooh meski tanpamu
bila aku dapat bintang yang berpijar
mentari yang tenang bersamaku disini
ku dapat tertawa menangis merenung
di tempat ini aku bertahan
suara dengarkanlah aku
apa kabarnya pujaan hatiku
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya
suara dengarkanlah aku
apakah aku slalu dihatinya
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya
kalau ku masih tetap disini
ku lewati semua yang terjadi
aku menunggumu, aku menunggu
suara dengarkanlah aku
apa kabarnya pujaan hatiku
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya
suara dengarkanlah aku
apakah aku ada dihatinya
aku di sini menunggunya
masih berharap di dalam hatinya
can't wait to see you.... but we both know how its gonna end right..?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Geschichte meines Lebens
dan juga.. errr akan mencari rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang mungkin dah hilang ataupun mungkin sebenarnya den yang hilang =D
yea.. hari tu dah tukar urL baru lepas tu buat private la.. macam-macam masalah tahun 2010 ni haih
okay back to the point.. this post sebenarnya as an introduction to engineering.. *eh tu subjek time first year.. first sem.. heh. bleh. okay just want to introduce my blog balik.. and to jejak kasihan with my other friends. seriously if you read this.. tolong tinggal link for me to track u guys back.
** please update my new url.. jangan follow yang lama plak huuu **

n.a.m.a ::
my blog name ni 'Geschichte meines Lebens' maknanya story of my life @ cerita hidupku *gelak guling2 jap.
t.a.r.i.k.h.l.a.h.i.r ::
'since january 2008' - owh almost 3 years la.. okay nnt celebrate anniversary lagi 3 bulan eh
t.e.m.p.a.t.l.a.h.i.r ::
agaga were born in room 542, Studentenwohnheim, Eckenberg Strasse 11-13, 45307 Essen, Germany. lols i hope i wrote this correctly
n.a.m.a.i.b.u.b.a.p.a ::
NNN - tripLe N
h.o.b.i ::
menulis.. merepek.. mengantuk.. menidurkan diri.. owh ha dan melepak
t.e.n.t.a.n.g.d.i.r.i.a.n.d.a ::
saya merupakan sebuah blog yang dilahirkan untuk menemani ibubapa saya yang kebosanan semasa beliau menyambung pelajaran di UDE. saya juga merupakan tempat melepaskan kemarahan/kerinduan/ketah-hape-hape-an ibubapa saya sepanjang tempoh tersebut.
walaubagaimanapun pada satu ketika beliau telah meninggalkan saya dek kerana kesibukan kerja dan saya hampir-hampir dihantar ke rumah kebajikan 'blog-blog terbiar'. fuuuh naseb baik beliau masih waras dan mendapat hidayah untuk terus berblogging - heh
okay enough enough.. actually tengah mencari idea untuk mengarang surat ni haiyaa.... sooo difficult lah
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
i'm going crazy... T_T
gilerrrrrr... please dont do this to me.. T_T
i can't let it go.... =(
*crying... crying*
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
3 words... ;)
I'll Be There | |
If you have ever had to call a friend in the middle of the night, to take a sick child to hospital, or when your car has broken down some miles from home, you will know how good it feels to hear the phrase " I'll be there. " Being there for another person is the greatest gift we can give. When we're truly present for other people, important things happen to them & us. We are renewed in love and friendship. We are restored emotionally and spiritually. Being there is at the very core of civility. | |
I Miss You | |
Perhaps more marriages could be saved & strengthened if couples simply & sincerely say to each other "I miss you." This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted, needed, desired & loved. Consider how ecstatic you would feel, if you received an unexpected phone call from your spouse in the middle of your workday, just to say "I miss you." | |
I Respect You / I Trust You | |
Respect and trust is another way of showing love. Its conveys the feeling that another person is a true equal. If you talk to your children as if they were adults you will strengthen the bonds & become close friends. This applies to all interpersonal relationships | |
Maybe You're Right | |
This phrase is highly effective in diffusing an argument and restoring frayed emotions. The flip side to "maybe you're right" is the humility of admitting maybe "I'm wrong". Let's face it. When you have a heated argument with someone, all you do is cement the other person's point of view. They, or you, will not change their stance and you run the risk of seriously damaging the relationship between you. Saying "maybe you're right" can open the door to further explore the subject, in which you may then have the opportunity to get your view across in a more rational manner. | |
Please Forgive Me | |
Many broken relationships could be restored and healed if people would admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. All of us are vulnerable to faults and failures. A man should never be ashamed to own up that he has been in the wrong, which is saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday. | |
I Thank You | |
Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy. People who enjoy the companionship of good, close friends are those who don't take daily courtesies for granted. They are quick to thank their friends for their many expressions of kindness. On the other hand, people whose circle of friends is severely constricted often do not have the attitude of gratitude. | |
Count On Me | |
A friend is one who walks in when others walk out. Loyalty is an essential ingredient for true friendship; it is the emotional glue that bonds people. Those that are rich in their relationships tend to be steady and true friends. When troubles come, a good friend is there indicating "you can count on me." | |
Let Me Help | |
The best of friends see a need and try to fill it. When they spot a hurt they do what they can to heal it. Without being asked, they pitch in and help. | |
I Understand You | |
People become closer and enjoy each other more if they feel the other person accepts and understands them. Letting your spouse know in so many little ways that you understand them, is one of the most powerful tools for healing relationship. This applies to any relationship. | |
Go For It | |
We are all unique individuals. Don't try to get your friends to conform to your ideals. Support them in pursuing their interests, no matter how weird they seem to you. Everyone has dreams, dreams that are unique to that person only. Support and encourage your friends to follow their dreams. Tell them to "go for it." | |
I Love You | |
Perhaps the most important three words that you can say. Telling someone that you truly love them satisfies a person's deepest emotional needs. The need to belong, to feel appreciated and to be wanted. Your spouse, your children, your friends and you, all need to hear those three little words "I love you." |
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
world cup 2010.. ^^
still remember.. 1998 bangun tengok bola pagi2.. *gosh i was 13 baru that time.. XD* ni sume pengaruh org lelaki dalam rumah lah kot. then on the final beria nak bgn tgk brazil lawan france. and of course la that time sokong brazil kan.. =P
mama yang kejut bgn.. hihi mama pn kaki bola jugak tau. then dia ckp time tu dah 2-0, dua2 si kepala botak - zidane yang gol kan. header dua2 lak tuh.. cettt *frust giler okay.. >_< smpt la tgk live gol ke-3 tu huhu
xpe la.. egaL jek. then 2002 plak.. time tu form 5. dah duk asrama. hihi n guess what i did. balik asrama lmbt sbb tgk bola kat umah.. XD. final brazil lawan germany.. time tu femes la.. oliver kahn vs ronaldo. and again i support brazil… *of course =D* fuuuh menang 2-0 haha hebat giler okay ronaldo.. i liiiike ^^
*p/s: ni bukan christiano ronaldo yg poyo itu.. tu xmasok zaman pn.. pffffft
next… 2006. a year before i fly to jerman.. ceet boleh plak lmbt setaun >_<. klu tak smpt join the best event in the world.. huhu okay final dia france vs italy. agaga both pn xbrape minat act.. =/ so sesape mng xkesah pn.. heh *frust sbb brazil kalah wuu rasenye xtgk sgt the game.. err ke tgk. xingt lah.. =P
so 2010… who will win..? byk sgt team hebat.. spain, holland, jerman, brazil.. i think only one of them yg akan mng kot.. we’ll see =D
Monday, June 14, 2010
pening... =/
its lunch time now.. still in the office. xdek mood nak makan... aa one thing i notice bout myself if byk keje.. + pressure mesti xlalu makan.. =P. good thing eh.. bole la kurus pasni huhu
k.. xdek mood la nak tules panjang2. even though banyak mende to story but maybe later.
have a nice kenduri kendara this month.. ^^
Monday, June 7, 2010
the legend of notty boy.. (sesuke je translate Lagenda Budak Setan)
so i went to watch this movie.. sbb ape tau.
1. byk sgt org komen pasal cite ni kat status fb.. ade kate best. ade kate tak best. so tetbe rase xpuas hatii. at the end.. bek la den pgi tgk n judge it myself.. ^^
2. to be honest.. dlu i read novels.. *cehh ni time byk mase free dolu2 la.. time student. now jgan kan novel..paper pn xsmpt bce tau huh >_<. i remember.. i read the compilation 'lagenda budak setan' coz dlu kan dia ade budak setan 1,2 and 3. last2 compile jdi lagenda.. err if xsalah la heh. i read the book.. in one night je. haha smpi xtdo mlm. giler tak..? so i do believe that.. rmi peminat novel ni yg pgi penuhkan panggung tuh. seriesly fully booked... agaga
my comment.. the movie okay. tpi rase xsuke dia asek fokus kat muke jek. perasan tak..?? haih tah pape. and rase xbest plak bile lisa tu ditukar jadi org lain >_<
plus the movie mmg ubah sket la dri novel asal... which i dont remember sgt huhu *sesape bole tolong dwload novel LBS ni online.. so i can read it one more time ^^
okay so my suggestion.. FINE, G LA TENGOK haha
You Are Dreamy and Distracted
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way.
And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life.
You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.
You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.
You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.
You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries.
You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.
You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts.
You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it.
You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!
** heh u MUST try this website. hape2 tah tpi fun.. =P. above is the secret behind my name. rase cm byk gak betul errr
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
boycott.... walcott.... arsenaL.... =/

rasenye sumerang tau kot.. knape nak sgt boikot israeL nih.. okay so i DARE u lah.. not buying items yang kat atas ni... XD
2. walcott... kicked out
aih sedih plak arsenal player sorg ni xtersenarai dalam 23 final list yg g ke world cup africa.. huhu xpe cube lagi
3. arsenal... support yahudi
yela.. coz u duk iklan suh org visit israel tu sape suh.. haigo.. tensen den. skang sume dah kutuk den pasal u tau >_<
beijing... jom
time bulan 10.. maybe end oct kot. tip top makan, hotel, transport kat sne, flight ticket, visa.... hehs n tmpt2 dia plak kat beijing la. 5 hari 4 mlm... t'masuk nek great wall of china
yezza tu yg den nak sbnanye... nek tembok tuh ngee. err tpi ckop ke duet.. haiz... -_-'
price dia is damn cheap la... sesape nak sila la contact me. yg pasti not more than <1500 la. haaa klu rmi harge tu bole kurang2 lagi. standard la kan.. ^^
er fyi.. time oct tu sejuk tau.. tahap 12 grad cmtu. agaga cm sonok gak eh.. ke tak? tak tau lerr hee
Monday, May 31, 2010
how are you..?
how u doing..? hope u sleep well.. n eat well.. coz i'm not. only god knows how much i want to text u.. but i'm afraid =(
pLease... be okay. don't do something stupid..
i know this sound crazy but i'll fly there on winter.. as i promised before.
*mm i just don't know to whom i wanna share this feeling.. so my dear blog u r the chosen one =)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
cikgu naj
xtau la pesal lately de byk good news... thank u Allah. perhaps this is one of HIS ways to help me get over that thing ke.. mm tah la =/
btw i just start my part time jdi tuition teacher. sLumber je akak tu call me and ask me to back her ajar fizik n kimia f5 last night... T_T (p/s: she interviewed me a night before. giLer tak? haih)
dah la smlm call kul 7.. then ckp nnt kul 8 the class start. u imagine la..? haigo pening n gelabah giler den. so dgn muke blur masuk class jmpe students.. i just introduce me as cikgu naj la. err memula cm rase poyo je suh dorg pgl 'cikgu'. tpi if pgl kak kang.. cm xbest plak heh =P
so bile dah start ajar tu.. mmg kantoi la i forgot few things. cmne nk prepare in one hour? i left those things 8 years ago kot. gileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer ape.. pastu tetbe de budak ni tnye 'cikgu cmne nk jawab soalan ni' - tunjuk2 pasal elektrik circuit. errrrr..... @_@
ngan gaye mcm bijak pandai "erm okay.. so cmne rumus dia yg sbnanye...? (dlm hati series xingt lah.. demm)" skali dia tunjuk rumus then kire2 skali dpt plak jawapan. fuuuuh lega... haha saje je nk suh dia remind me the rumus actually.. kui2
then ajar kimia pasal redox.. x__x
aa dlu time spm xla tere sgt kimia tpi bile dan masuk pasum cm dah hebat gak. skali pas keje skang ni.. haram xingt. agaga so to remind me back pasal this proses.. slumber je pgl sorg budak ni. "okay cube tules kat dpan.. pasal oxidation n reduction" haha bagus btul budak2 ni ikut ckp cegu eh ^^
tpi sbnanye i got this few books la atas meja.. dorg supply. tpi series la... i cannot xplain very well. haih n bdak2 ni plak mmg duk problem pasal redox2 ni... wuuuu T__T dah la nak exam mg depan.. soooobs
somehow tgh syok2 xplain.. tetbe dah times up...! so bye2 la student ku sekalian. tgk la if next time we meet again.. hehs
odw way back tu t'mnung pnjg je dlm kete... hmm bukan pk pasal tusyen tu tpi pasal dia. n time tu rase cm lapar sgt. tpi round2 sume tmpt xdek mood nk bli pape... at the end balik umah je =/
what's wrong with me eh.. ='(
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
no title
yeap that is what i did for the past 5 months. malas la nk get too xcited. if ade rezeki ade lah =)
btw i think i wanna active blog balik... already deactivate my fb (malas layan). later on will change my url n make it private la kot. sng sket nak menules... heh
after this u'll see me in my post (err yg i wat part time tuh.. ceh perasan je) okay till then.. de keje nak wat fufu. eh think i cam bole kurus la.. lately asek t'menung je.. selera makan xdek. i liiiiike ^_^
p/s: ngantuk giLer okay... haih smlm cm dah tdo awal.. =/
Monday, May 24, 2010
peace but.. no peace
my sin.. cube bce the first paragraph. haa now is the perfect time la to slap me or to kill me ke. haigo.. penat la. and now xdek mood langsung nk keje. can i quit..? hmm last night i search for erasmus nye scholarship. was thinking to further study kat oversea again. just wish i can forget this thing.. tpi tarikh apply dah tutup lah demmit... >_<
owh btw tetbe je nak ckp... er i just diterima masuk jdi blogger kat satu site ni. n they wud pay for my post. ngeh2.. okay la kot. tpi tu la.. xdek idea nak wat ape la. dah la english hancus.. tah pape.. =/ owh one thing i've learned la. if u nak menulis something.. jdi blogger ke penulis novel ke.. write truly from ur heart.
coz the other day when i submit my sample of writing.. ade ke dia ckp 'ur English is not up to par' demm2...!! haih when i read it back.. cm b**** gak la sample tuh. aa tu sbb tules time kat office okay and cm teragak2 nk cri idea. then when i replied back to her.. tetbe dia suke hihi thank god ^^. nak tau knape dia suke? hmm coz i wrote that from my heart. heh.. mati la pas ni sume nk wat cmtu haih.. ingt sng ke nk cri idee.. cmne la nk jdi kaye cm ain maisarah ni.. penulis berjaya tu huhu *err tetbe ade impian nk jdi penulis sbnanye*
btw di saat jiwa kacau bilau ni.. i haven't reply to her yet. err her refer to miss yg bg mail tu la. mesti dia tertunggu2.. hmm okay2 bile dah send this report i'll try to produce 'my first baby'
owh aa this week appraisal... huff and i got one pending job lah. tpi now xdek mood la wat.. cmne hek. ujian terhebat kot.. bile membabitkan emosi ni.
hmm btw thanks for 'bLocking' me. if i know u very well la... u wont let me get in ur life back. *err okay.. dont think i want that too.. enough is enough la kan* aa mcm la dia bce mende ni.. =P i just dont understand one thing.. y at the moment i feel like wanna cry T_T.
eyp2 but ni kat office la controL sket bole tak..? hesh *kelip2 mate byk kali.. er so that the tears tak jatuh... haih bongek giLer lah*
what ever it is.. thank u Allah for solving this for me.
Monday, May 3, 2010
tips beli kete... hoho
okay2.. tips2 nye
1. first skali... bile nk beli kete mesti amik loan bank kan..? sbgai org islam lah.. sebolehnya kita nak la buat secara islamic. means islamic car loan. haa ade pnah dgr ke? xpnah eh.. xpe2.. ni sya bgtau. ade.. so just go and find it la. xpn nnt saya rekomen satu tmpt ni.. mine? wopps xislamic kot.. huhu sbb saya tau pasal islamic car loan pn lepas dah oder kete. melepas...
2. secondly.. tnye dia pasal insurans kete. pn sebolehnya nak islamic lah. amik la takaful.. saya nye? pn xislamic gak.. sbb tau pn after beli kete. demmit je kan.. >_< tpi nnt ade problem la sbb kdg2 org kete ni dah attach dgn certain insuran company but so what? kite nk beli kete.. we are the buyer.. kuasa kat tgn kite la. nnt korg buat2 la ckp 'oo xpe la.. xnak la beli if bukan takaful nye insurans..' - konfem pastu dorg akn ckp dorg akan try make it takaful.. so sbnanye bole la kan? haiya. if dah terbeli insuran bese rasenye after one year baru bole tuka.. *from my reading la*
3. tgk betul2 full spec of cars... jgan slah lak huhu
4. pegi la wat sndri num plat kete.. like me. hehe kepuasan terjamin la sbb dpt plih number sndri. if u go on ur own harge dia RM210 baru. but if u ask the dealer kete dia akan charge 400+ kot. so giler kan? haa g sndri ler. and rajin2 la check num plat semasa kat website JPJ. in my case la.. saya dpt call hari ni kete dah smpi.. so saya trus g jpj beli num plat. tpi dah melepas la number idaman. and sebenarnya korg bole g je beli awal2 num plate ni.. even before kete smpi. rasenye bile dah beli num plat tu kene dftr kereta within 3 months.. so pegi je la beli dlu number tuh. u just need ic je.. ingt kan kne ade pengesahan psal beli kete ke ape. skali xdek pon haih. klu tau bole je g awal2 book number best2 huhu
5. okay ni yg penting la.. tnye dia ape free gift bole dpt..!! jgan lupe tau.... haih. den ritu xingt nk tnye plak. **** jek. den rase den nye free gift tahap ayam lah. voucher tinted pn sket. pastu ade ke nk kasi tu jek.. loser nye. then bile den provoke2 dia ckp aa nnt la dia kasi mcm2. tpi xsmpi 4 brg. wtf.. er k tercurse plak.. cube tgk org ni kasi apeeeee...??!! mmg tahap nanges la free gift dia wuuu
* Road Tax Sticker
* Non Slip Dashboard Mat
* Towing 1 Year
* Voucher Tinted RM300
* Steering lock
* Sand Blasting
* Blind Spot Mirror
* Sunshade
* Tyre & Leather Shine Wax
* Car Perfume AMBI PUR
* Car Shampoo
* Air Battery
* CD Case
* Belt Stopper Clip
* Car Rain Cover
* Auto Coolant
* Door Protector
* Waxing Sponge
* Shoulder Pad
* Neck Pillow
* Voucher Service
yg lagi best : No matter what brand/model. soooooooooooooooooooooooobs.. T_T
haaa nanges taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak..? giler kan.. knape la den xtau pasal dia ni jual kete awal2.. huhu so seriesly.. take this as a series matter la.
so dgn tips2 yg xseberape ni.. sila la wat keputusan yg bijak pndai. dan ingt lah satu pesanan saya.
so no need to buy mahal2 one if your gaji just tahap <3k.. think ahead. think about ur future.. when u get married.. ada hati ke nk byr kete 6,7,8 ratus sblan? hidup sorg skang mmg la xkesah ape.. tpi bile dah berdua? haa mcm2 nnt konfliknye. baik la beli kete biase2 saje.. byr pn murah2 saje sbln.. invest more on asb ke unit trust ke insurans nyawa ke.. berbaloi lagi kan?
ckup la kereta untuk memudahkan pergerakan kita seharian.. if nk bermegah2.. or utk kepuasan hati maybe make ur self stable dlu lah. lepas kawin baru plan betul2.. =)
p/s: if you want to buy new car... with all those gift + islamic loan car... let me know eh ^^
Sunday, May 2, 2010
life must go on... ^^
kdg2 xtau la ade ke tak org suke bce blog ni.. er haha sometimes trase nk wat blog baru. so that er sume mende2 dlu yg saye duk ngarut org xbce. (ni kes nak link blog saya kat fb lah ni... tpi nnt kantoi kat my family plak.. haha segan lah den.. =P)
i think i've changed la. =/
i dont know where to find my self... ilang tertgl kat jerman kah.. waaa. i think before ni i'm a person who know what she want. tpi skang ni... asek ade kemusykilan jek. i'm happy with my job seriesly but dont think its challenging enough. i'm so wanna run away n work overseas.. yezza my dream yg xpnah come true ahaha.. keep on dreamin' babeh... ^^
my probition period.. 6 months. after that insya allah permenant kot. ngahaha kot eh..? xtau la.. it depends on bos. tpi normally engineer xdek kontrak la kat ikram ni.. fufu risau gak. but then if i wanna quit n find other job pn within this 6 months la. nnt pas ni dah konfem susah lak nk tuka2 keje. tpi tu la.. planning den ni sume nye ade 'if... if only... only if...' bla bla bla haiyoo pening.
xpe la.. bia masa menentukan.. btw saya nk cari part time lah.. anyone can help ke.. T_T
Monday, March 1, 2010
lupe beli makanan pn mntk cerai.. hmm
dgn statistik kes penceraian yg makin meningkat and u’ll be surprised dgn alasan2 yg dorg kasi.. huhu
- sah2 la tajuk den tu ha… husband lupe beli makanan tak pasal2 wife mntk cerai.. -_-“
- then wife lambat sediakan makanan/minuman *kalau isteri penat cmne kah? skang ni husband n wife keje.. ingt dia sorg je ke penat.. haih*
- pasangan bangun tidur lewat *er… perlu ke alasan ni hadui… so start from now.. rajin2 lah jadi morning person yek.. =D*
- balik lambat dan kurang berkomunikasi.. *hmm how to avoid this one… fufu*
- + 200 more alasan remeh lagi *further reading kene beli utusan hari ni okay. ^^*
and almost 35% dari kes cerai ni melibatkan marriage yg xsmpi 5 tahun.. agak2 betul tak orang ckp.. the first 5 years marriage ni yg plg mencabar..? wallahualam then other 65% tu brape taun kawin plak huhu.. >.<
bak kate mama… orang2 skang ni iman nye tak brape nk kuat… so senang je perkataan cerai tu kua. same je la men/women.. huhu so apa2 pn.. kene la kuatkan iman di dada esp men. sbb lafaz tu sahnya dari korang kan..
as i love to say la.. “kawin ni bukannye senang”… =P
Thursday, February 11, 2010
ni adalah sejenis er... permainan ke? sebab orang selalu pgl main kutu ngeh2. so wujud lagi ke mende alah ni. td odw nk pegi keje tetbe kterang borak pasal mende ni.. hmm
xsilap my bro pn men gak kutu.. ngan kawan office dia. and mama with her business frens yg sekitar pn ade maen gak. tpi dorg men dasyat la.. 50 hengget sehari.. agaga. tpi kene la ader orang yg rajin tukang kutip ye tak hehs
so sebenarnye ape kebaikan kutu nih.. er jap2 before that meh kite tengok cmne nak main mende kutu ni eh.
1. kumpul la kawan2 anda yg bole dipercayai... at least la 5 orang. then sebanyak2 orang.. wat la 12 orang ke.. cukop setaun kan
2. cabut number.. so that nanti tau la sape yg yg dapat duit fes... 2nd... and last setiap bulan.
3. pastu start la main haha... kene set la nak kutip berapa sebulan. let say 200 ke.. so nnt ade la satu bulan tu tetbe dpt 2400 ke kan (12 org x 200)
haa.. dia mcm duit terkumpul yg kite xnmpk lah.. sbb actually duit same je kite kua 2400 jugak sepanjang setaun tuh.
so kebaikan main kutu ni..
bole joli katak sekejap... =D hehe tetbe dpt duit lebih 2k kan.. maunye beli hp baru ke.. laptop baru ke.. wat d/p kete ke.. renew road tax.. haa mende2 urgent cmni la.. yg memerlukan kite pakai duit seketul
if nak kumpul sesaje 2400 tu cm lmbt la plak kan... lgpun if fikir logik nak spend 2k trus beli something from ur gaji.. giler xkan nk makan batu satu bulan tuh.. @_@
tapi skang ni ade lagi ke orang men kutu nih....? agagaga klu ade nak join..........!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<
Monday, February 8, 2010
government or swasta..?
tu pn after 1 year dia keje jadi engineer.. tup tup SPA pgl keje PTD.. huhu klu xpgi kene byr 100k @_@
haih.. mmg dilemma lah. think sesape yg terlepas sbb jpa xpgl tu baguih la.. mne tau angpa duk xsuke ngan keje angpa dpt >_<. mmg la gaji dia lebih byk fufu.. kire2 tadi giler lebih dlm 800+. byk la tu kan.. bole beli kete mahal sket hehs
tapi if u blaja engine then u keje PTD.. maybe ade yg xsuke la kan.. BUT if dia mmg aim nak PTD tu then xkesah la.
ni tangga gaji SPA... meh2 tgk n compare
klu tgk kat skema tuh... max gaji is 5k. er betul ke eh cmtu? tak faham2... mntk sesape pekerja gov tolong explain haha. hmm tpi yela de la pros n cons nye. tepuk dada tanya selera =P
den pn xtau la nak apply SPA or not.. agagaga
Thursday, February 4, 2010
prOmote blOg
ni for busana muslimah and for spa @ home
if ade mane2 blog yang cam best let me know eh =P
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
february salary...
gaji masok 10 ribulan... erk awal giler vavi. kamis den baru gaji then 13 hari pastu dpt lagi. haih cmne nak idop smpi bulan 3? @_@
so sbnanye knape nak kasi gaji awal eh..? confuse2... bia je la cuti pong.. =D ngahaha *xfaham konsep* yela2 rakyat mesia berbilang kaum. xkan time raya je nak dpt gaji awal ye tak? fufu
*haih gaye susah ati.. mcm la den duk kat lua.. duk rumah je pn patut xdek pape efect.. KOT XD*
Monday, January 25, 2010
giler karaoke
cm sronok plak melepas geram ngan menyanyi... =P so ape eh korang nye lagu favorite time karaoke.. mesti ade lagu WAJIB NYANYI ye x? hihi
special thanks to begetar.. korang mmg geng karaoke yg terbest. kterg ni xkenal waktu.. sok keje pn mlm ni still g karaoke huhu naseb la umah sume dkat2 eh >_<
Friday, January 22, 2010
my 5 years pLanning
a bit update bout me.. just got back few months a go..and alhamdulillah now i become an engineer. kat ikram.. very close to my house la. thank god.. i finally jadi engineer ke.. cm tak caye je wakaka
and what i've been doing in this office is something yg i really2 love to do.. which is bout transportation. gaji pn quite okay.. and bile dah keje ni suddenly our mind jadi aktiv sket. ye tak?
mcm2 mende nak fikir and u start planning for ur own future.. so here it comes my 5 years planning.
i wanna further my study... master. maybe somewhere nearby je la kot. nak g sne balik.. don't think i can handle it. penat woo tak mau2..
so i maybe start next year coz application for this year nye cm dah close. and i just start working so nak bg stable sket la.. the master wud be 3 sem.. which is setaun setgh eh.. for part timer.. wuhuu
after dpt master tu.. nak apply for part time lecturer kat KLIUC. act skang pn dah bole sbb ade degree bole aja budak diploma kan.. =P but then its too early la. so i wait after 6 months ke.. xpn after grad hehe
dgr cite dorg bayar rm80 per hour.. so semg 3 jam lecture. dlm sebulan bole la dpt ~1k kan huahua bole la wat byr kete ke.. *angan2 nih..*. and think i'm lucky la dpt keje kat sni. coz its a big group and byk subsidiary lain. and they got their own college.. so dorg mmg galakkan staff dorg ni mengajar.
so why must 5 years planning? because i think.. i'll give my loyalty to this company until 5 taun kot. after that if everything goes well i want to aim high.. or maybe gak stay here who knows kan. expertise in this field xbyk sbnanye.. that's why high demand for traffic/transport engineer.
in conclusion this is what i wanna be in next 5 years.. insya allah. really hope i can make it >_<
when its 2015.....
i. i wanna have my master in engineering + start to think bout my double master which is MBA --> nak buat kat UK huahua if xdek duit terpaksa wat kat mesia je la
ii. already a senior engineer with 5 year exp. and a part time lect.. then if i qualify enough wanna go for professional engineer status (IR) sbb dia perlu at least 3 years exp but rasenye kene ade site exp too.. huhu
iii. 9/10 rezeki dalam dunia ni datang dri perniagaan.. so i wanna start my bisnes tapi still tgh fikir bisness ape. dont want mlm la or direct selling ke.. coz now mcm nk try jadi sleeping partner ke.. haha so jom la wat bisnes... ^^ *ternak kambing ke kan haha tringt kat nadiah hish*
iv. last but not least... pasal jodoh. hmm well one thing la.. for a lady if too successful ni cam susah gak.. *er bajet den ni berjaya ke nnt haha* but common la kan.. so i will just pray for it.. hopefully by this time i dah kawin la.. kwang2.. =P
v. yeah saya nak try work hard... really wanna save some money.. hee tpi yg plg best is if dapat keje kat oversea ke hurmm tu la nnt after 2015 la pk eh.. hihi
so till then.. byk lak mengarut. waaah i really miss my blog lah >_<