Saturday, July 21, 2012

salam Ramadan

alhamdulillah sempat lagi bertemu dengan bulan Ramadan 1433.. 

selepas dua tahun sudah puasa di Malaysia, akhirnya tahun ni datang semula ke bumi Jerman. yosssh tapi sekarang musim panas maka kami berpuasa lebih lama sedikit berbanding Malaysia. ah egal sahaja lah kan labu.. 


Subuh 3.20pagi 
Maghrib 9.08malam
Isya' 10.40 malam.. 

maka seusai sudah solat Terawih berjemaah (haruslah 8+3 rakaat sahaja) jam menunjukkan sudah hampir pukul 12 tengah malam. moreh lagi.. alamatnya memang kami semua tidak tidur sambil menunggu waktu sahur semula.. kelakar bukan? hurm begitulah putaran masa di sini.

dan alhamdulillah seperti mana tahun2 dahulu.. ada tempat berkumpul dan berbuka bersama dengan Malaysian yang lain. i'm so thankful for that.. otherwise senseko would be a disaster for me (i guess). dan dapat juga melepas kerinduan untuk solat Terawih berjemaah.

2 more weeks.. i'll be home tetapi dalam dua minggu ini juga musim peperiksaan yang agak mencabar di tambah pula dengan 18 jam berpuasa. Ya Allah berilah kekuatan kepada hamba-Mu ini. 

jadi kepada semua.. selamat beramal dan semoga dapat mengambil iktibar kisah Perang Badar yang juga berlaku di bulan Ramadan. jangan jadikan faktor berpuasa untuk bermalas-malasan mahupun untuk ketidur-ketiduran.. hehs

Salam Ramadan.. mohon maaf salah dan silap.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

i'm coming home..!!

last time.. when i decided to fly to Germany i said i wont go home for 2 years since this summer break i have a summer school in Finnland that i always wanted to go.. but then of course things changed. 

turned out that the summer school is on the last week of ramadhan.. gilo apo nak g summer school time puasa hish and then majority of the malaysian in Munich are going home to celebrate Aidul-Fitr so of course la i dont wanna be left behind.

BUT.. it's a high price to pay since i am going to de-register for one exam becoz suddenly the exam sesat jatuh time september.. ah so what..? i'll took it next sem.. alone coz all my coursemate will take it this year =( soobs

so actually there are few things which makes me really wanna go home..

first : my lil sister going to sit for her big exam - UPSR so the least that i can do is to study with her until the final day..

second : planning to bring my family to Universal Studio Singapore - USS (shud exclude my mom since i know she never gonna ride those frightening games lols) ah have to apply for a passport for the three of them - 300 melayang confirm -__-'

third : my second sister already ask me to bring her daughters to the zoo and sunway lagoon.. hoho okaaaaay 

fourth : im going to sabah for 4 days on early oct to do rafting haha.. and it's gonna be our trip together again (me, marni and muny) yeay..!! =D 

just for me to recall bout our trip together :

first year - USS (only three of us)
second year - sarawak (muny brought her bf along)
third year - sabah (marni going to bring along her bf)
forth year - ?? (me and him.. haha)

soooo basically.. my schedule is full. besides i had a business plan for my two lil brother. need to do lot's of survey and discussion. and of course had to make time to meet all my besties.. dang. 2 months and a half is not enough.. i think?

only one thing.. need to get all my important stuff from someone. aaa please respond to asap

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

the truth

i just realised that.. running away it's not gonna solve your problem. 

let say.. you need a getaway because you feel sad/horrible/terrible/tense.. you travel across the sea.. looking for the most peaceful place in the world.. but still it's not gonna change anything.

the only way is just stay where you are and pray to THE ONE.. for a miracle.. for a stronger heart.. for a peaceful mind coz you just CAN'T RUNAWAY from your problem