Monday, April 11, 2011

paid survey

okay.. tetbe last week dapat invitation buat online survey. tapi token dia xbyk pn la -__-' dah tu duk berebut nak jadi antara 300 surveyor terawal.. mmg geLabah huhu tpi bile tengok2 balik within this 10 months baru 3x dapat invitation. tah pape jek.. huhu so smlm after buat survey ni.. saya pun click2 google pasal paid survey ni.

dlu kat jerman pn mcm dah sign up mcm2.. tpi cam haram je.. =x think sbb kita kat malaysia kot so mmg kureng ler mende2 alah cmni. if kat US mmg berlambak2 kot. so kalau anda2 ni teringin la nak cri pocket money... not much but at least useful when u need it the most *haha mcm time tengah xde2 duet nk makan ke tetbe de kupon kan.. okay ler tuh =D

click this link... SUMBER DUIT

you can try to sign up.. and just pray and hoping u'll get an invitation to take the survey okies ;)

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