Saturday, January 3, 2009

huff... i'm sux!!

its 12.19 in the morning

this is the 4/5th night i'm going to stay up.. lol.. not because doing my thesis but playing s***** game PET SOCIETY (PS)!!

gggrrrrrrr... really addicted to it. mmg nak kne belasah bertubi2 kot. i'm putting aside lots of thing since i join the PS forum.

thesis.. email.. fbook pun kne ignore gak.. and yg plg sedih.. i'm ignoring MY BLOG!! agagagaga. the worst case was i stayed up and sleep after subuh. then bgn tido fes thing mesti buka forum!! gosh, this must be stop!! lagi kronik siap xsmpt makan sume.. i think i'm going to loose some weight. hari ni baru mkn yogurt jek ngan choco milch!! (+_+)

klu marni tau mesti kne marah ahahah (saje nk ade unsur gay kat sni).. and now lapa giler, mcm nk pegi bakar pizza... yerp kol 1 pagi baka pizza. mmg xpnah dibuat org. xpe la.. najwa nak buat ~ need energy to stay up tonight.

mlm ni bukan nk main pet ok.. tpi kne buat thesis.. OMG abes la den!! really slow. mcm dah give up sbnanye wat thesis ni. sbb xdek mood and xdek mende yg push tuk cpat siap huhu. and then lagi 8 hari nk balik mesia, still xkemas ape pun. kan dah ckp.. i'm sux!!

what am i doing every day!!! lallalallala tu la mcm nak slap myself hundreds time, bole tak? wuuuuuu ok la gtg.. nnt i'll update you pasal new year. nak wat post pasal new year sbnanye. sob sob tpi pet nye pasal.. langsung den xhirau blog ni.

ritu kterg g smbut new year kat cologne.. yer.. sila cari dlm map ok? mmg best gileerrrrrrrrrr!!!
nnt cte :)

1 comment:

kimot said...

ko mmg da addicted yg tahap teruk..kene masuk pusat pemulihan kikiki