Thursday, June 2, 2011


ha amik ko.. tetbe den wat blog post pasal anda.. hehs

bukan ape since last night duk nmpk org tweet mende ni.. jadi trend hangat ooow

let me summarise je la.. dia jadi hot giler just becoz of her blog (xyah la share eh.. sian dia) and ada satu post tu dia mengaku dia dah xde dara.. -__-'

the thing is.. den xfaham ape la yg nk kecoh sgt... come one la.. look around u. cube pegi tnye brape ramai yg dah xde dara...? she is one of i-dont-know-how-many-more-out-there.. the only thing she did 'extra' than the others is... she confessed..!! and klu bace blog dia mmg giler la.. tuka boyfie cm tuka baju. but that's your life la kan..

i am not trying to be 'the odd one' here but.. to be honest.. mende tu sume jadi becoz of surrounding. so.. please take care of your family.. esp ur adik2.. or kakak2.. sbb mende ni dah jadi mcm barah sebenarnya.. dalam society kita.

p/s: when i was 14... rasenye duk umah tgk tv je kot haha


eHa said...

umo die baru 14 ke...?? aku pn mase tu duk asrama berebut tv.. hahahaha...

btw, cpt bg blog dia!!

bdk beSh said...

aku mase tu kt asrama tgh study =">

jOan of arc said...

eha: ko google je name dia.. konfem kua huhu

tuan: kan.. kan.. time tu comot2 lagi kat maahad wahaha

Anonymous said...

ade reason la kenape orang nak kecoh2. she's 14 kot. klu buat senyap je, rase2nye bape ramai lagi budak 14 tahun yg akan jadik cm dye? its actually to open up peoples mind esp the parents, but cara je yg salah

jOan of arc said...

ano: errr... okay. emo nmpk =D

eHa said...

haihs.. bebudak skang..