Tuesday, March 22, 2011

kisah: appraisaL - year 2010 (my first year)

just submit my slides to boss.. so now secara tiba-tiba tak ada keje la plak.. errr okay sebenarnya ada. tpi due date dia lagi 2mg hehs. so now chillax la dlu =D

today.. i wanna talk about my appraisal. yezza that is when your boss evaluate u la kan.. huhu so this is actually my 2nd one.. sebab time first dulu is appraisal bila ur probation period is over.. then promote to permenant. ngeh.. alrite so what happen ya during my appraisal tuh.. cerita panas okay =x

haha..!! guess what ritu time appraisal my boss komen kow2 punyer. she attack me giler2 sbb that week tu mmg i did this one, two mistakes. satu, dua je pn.. hurm then dia duk fire la pasal mende2 tu. siap ckp la.. data yg u manage ni is consider kecik je banding ngan big project kat luar tuh.. dang..!!!! ****** T___________T

eh helloo.. i have to manage almost 200 days of data kot.. so cmne bole tak confuse kan.. huhu lagi satu i mmg slow la bab2 nak hafal direction ni.. to haram ke from haram ke.. haha fine kan dah kene. setaun dah handle project still fail the direction. adeis.. tpi tu la.. i felt so down. rase cm nk kua je trus dari blik tu..

then.. keje time weekend pn tak appreciate.. stay back sume.. dia siap bole ckp, so what if you have to work on weekend etc2. hey ya boss, i know la ur past experience tu mmg hebat giler. so u nk compare me and urself.. i don't think that is reasonable lah. tpi ade part yg pelik tu, she clearly stated that all the task she gave to me is beyond my experience.. the tasks is normally for a person who have had > 3 years experiences.. abesss tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..!!

of course la.. i ni setahun jagung je bos.. sob sob.. name pn fresh grad. tu pn i think i gave almost everything.. smpi kekdg rasa nak give up je keje jadi engineer =( huhu

then... just recently the final marks dah keluar... and guess what..!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jeng jeng..

yeap.. tu la tetbe je dpt outstanding kan.. lols alhamdulillah ^^. dah la bos ni mmg terkenal ngan kedekut bagi markah.. n mmg susah nk dpt high marks from her.. =DD i think im being lucky.. and of course la she satisfied with my works.. lmao. cume hari tu je time nak appraisal tu bole la plak de mistake sket2 kan hihi.. padahal before this cm okay jer.. hurm

doesn't matter la.. at least i know she rated me very high.. of course it came with a high expectations too. so after this pn i hope i can maintain this. btw did u know knape sbnanye penting aprraisal ni..? dgr cite appraisal ni la yg akan menentukan bonus anda wokey.. so let see my next week post cmne. gud news ka bad news ka.. aite?

hihi k till then.. adiosss =P


Anonymous said...

tak menanges ke kene marah dengan lady bos..? heheheheheee

jOan of arc said...

f*** you..!!
