Monday, May 11, 2009

latest update...

its mei already... wow

cepat nye mase berlalu.. tpi byk di abeskan kat blik pun. boring lah.. now seriesly i really really wanna go home!!!! ma cayunk... nk balik :'( isk.. sobs... sobs

my study... dah nk abes kot tah la. i don't want to describe more. only yg tau je la.. faham ape masalah kterg. honestly i tell u... study in Germany is TOUGH!! my godness... ups and down.. and down.. bile nk ups.. no idea.

i just want to wrap all this things ASAP. i'm a cool person.. most of the time la haha tpi now mcm dah penat lah. series.. i really need to go somewhere else... blah dri jerman ni. *tetbe dpt keje kat sni.. amik ko* haha that is far from expectation lah.

so.. mmm most of our friends dah balik for good. kterg dtg sni de 11 org satu batch.. now tgl 5 org jek. they are all doing well in malaysia.. =). i'm proud of you guys.. don't worry.. willl follow u all very soon. hehe

sorry eh.. my blog.. tah la. i have lots of things to share but.. just don't have the time. mase yg ade kan.. er.. i byk spent time chatting with emm... am i in LOVE.. ? sbb.... hmm..... tuttt... tuttt...

to be continue..... hehe


eHa said...

o0oo... dh in luv x update blog eh?

emann said...

in love???? wowww!

akak..cepatla balik msia... ;)

jOan of arc said...


isk korg ni.. ade2 je.. wek

btw iman.. bile nk balik mesia?