Monday, March 16, 2009


knock... knock... housekeeping!!

pergh... giler berabuk blog ni.
(merujuk kepada komen pembaca kat chat box.. :p)

mesti kes tuan dia da lme tak update r neh.. ish2. tolong sapu habuk2... isk kene clear the layout. byk bende tak up to date.. ades kronik giler tuan empunya blog ni.

found a notes:

"hoho.. kepada pembaca sekalian.. sorry got few things come up.. got exam luse.. my life is a mess right now.. giler laaaa.. will be back as soon as possible.. :)"


Erin Rashid said...

patut la bersin2 aje camimi dgn akak ni
mmg gile bnyk habuk
sian kami baru je nk sembuh dari batuk n selesema..

eHa said...

ko update buat syarat eh? hahahaha bijak2.. sabab aku slalu wat camtu.. hahaha